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☁️chapter 13:mutual☁️

I CUT HIM OFF WITH A KISS. AT FIRST HE WAS too surprised to react, but then Shuji put his hands on my hips and kissed me back.

The kiss wasn't aggressive like the one we shared during sex, no. This one was soft and warmth, it felt like home. I felt like I was on cloud 9 and I was hoping it was not a dream.

After a few seconds we pulled away from each other desperate for some air. The moonlight was right above us falling gently on his face and when he smiled at me my heart stopped for a second.

"I knew you were into me", he said in a cocky way and put down his hat to fix his hair, he was lying obviously, "no one can resist my charm", I rolled my eyes and I push him back.

"Shut up, you're into me too", I said and I cross my arms in front of my chest. Shuji laughed and pulled me back closer to him.

"Are you surprised? Look at yourself? You're beautiful, sunshine", he says in a low voice and he leans for a kiss. I get on my toes to reach him and we share one more quick kiss, "what are you saying? Do you wanna be with me?".

"With you? Hahaha, no! No chance", I wink at him and for a moment he really believed me, but then I held his hand, "I'm joking, of course I wanna be with you, Shuji", I smiled at him.

~time skip:the movie~
The movie marathon started with Friday 13th as expected. After we finally fixed ourselves, me and Shuji walked to the meadow, where the marathon was projected. There I spot Mikey, Draken and the rest of the boys. When I saw the face next to Mikey my heart drops. Akashi, I thought and I made a step back.

Shuji looks at me with confusion and then he followed my eyes to see him too. And he wasn't alone, the rest of the basketball guys were there too chilling with Mikey. I didn't know Mikey knows these guys, I thought and then it hit me like a bullet. I put my bitch face on, when I realised who's behind tonight's fiasco.

I let go of Shuji's hand and I walked up to Mikey and the Toman guys as fast as I can, when Mikey looked up at me and smiled I kick him in the face and he falls back. Draken panics, of course. Shuji came too.

"What's wrong with you? Why you did that, have you lost it?", Draken started to scold me, while trying to hold Mikey's nose up.

"That's what you get for messing with me", I shouted and I clinched my fists, everyone around us turned to me and 'shushed' at me, but I threw him a dirty glance and turned back to Mikey, who was smiling at me.

"Forgive us, y/n", he began to talk, while the blood from his nose ran down to his mouth and then to his costume, "we wanted to push thing a little, because we knew you both liked each other, but you were too oblivious to know. We just wanted it to work out for you".

"I told him it was a bad plan", Draken added.

I look at Akashi, who now looks like a very nice guy with very beat up face. I immediately felt bad about what happened, so I look down.

"Hold on", Shuji finally spoke, "so..you planned all this 'assault' tonight, so me and y/n can get together and I punched an innocent dude?".

"Yes", they all say at the same time.

"You little piece of shit", Shuji grabs Mikey by he collar and started shaking him. Mikey lets out a girly scream and Draken has to pull the two of them aside.

I grabbed Shuji's hand and I started leading him to the car. That was enough scary shit for the night, I wanted to go home. Shuji followed me and I see him throwing one more dirty look at Mikey before we turn to the corner.

Mikey's pov:
I'm watching Y/n and Hanma walking away and I can't help, but smile. They are mad at me now, but soon they'll thank me.

"My nose hurts", the pain finally hits me and I lay down on the grass to hold my nose. Draken and Akashi look at me and I giggled, "it's so worth it tho", I chuckled and they smiled too.

"Talk about yourself, my face hurts really bad", Akashi rubs the bruises on his face, "too bad I didn't meet her earlier, she's really cute".

"I met her earlier, but does it matter? She was already in love with him", Draken smiles and we all look at him. My eyes widen.

"Ken-chin, I didn't know you liked y/n-chan, why didn't you tell me", I asked him.

"And what if I told you? She already gave her heart to that tall skeleton".

"Let's make a plan to separate them and to set up Ken-chin with y/n!", I suggested.

"NO!", they all said at the same time.

Meanwhile with y/n and Hanma:
Me and Shuji pulled to my house. I got out of the car and I was so relieved, that I'll finally throw that corset away. I unlock the front door and I walk in. Shuji walks after me and closes the door behind us, then he grabs me and picks me up. I giggled. Until I found you by Stephen Sanchez is playing on the background and my boyfriend puts me down on the couch, then he is now above me and kissed me.

Oh, I used to say

I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you

"Let me remove that dress", he whispered next to my ear and he touched his cheek with his big thumb, "I wanna see how hard was for the grim reaper to get to the woman's body".

"I thought you think this is just a stupid fairytale and no one can change dead", I raised my eyebrows and smirked.

"Well, back then I didn't know I'm going to fall in love with such woman", Shuji kissed me and then lays his head on my chest, "I'm very happy right now, y/n. I'm with my best friend, but now she's the woman by my side".

"I'm even more happy, believe me", I giggled and we finally kissed passionately.


A/n-I'm sorry. This chapter wasn't the best, but I'm so happy this story turns out so good. I don't wanna finish it😭

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