1. temptation

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November 28, 2003

She tossed her head back to the towering monstrosity following behind her, a rather usual occurrence for a rather unusual girl. This was it, the moment she'd been planning for. It'd taken a couple days– days that she had, luckily, taken off of school. She reasoned that it was to make the performance more believable. Why else would the student council president call off two days in a row without warning if something horrible hadn't happened?

She practiced a sniffle and gave a few well-exercised rapid blinks to warm her tear ducts for, what would very soon be, the performance of a lifetime. Hugging her coat tighter to her body, she bounded up the walkway and rang for the door. After just a moment of waiting it opened.

"(Y/n)?" The woman called. Her face pinched in when she took in the state of the girl standing before her. (Y/n) couldn't blame her– she had gone to great lengths to make her performance believable. That included forgoing both food and sleep. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I know it's late," her voice was hoarse when she spoke, "but do you think I could speak with Light? I really need to see him." Mrs. Yagami hadn't even taken a second to hesitate, merely stepping aside and widening the door.

"Let me know if you need anything," she said with a hand precariously placed upon (Y/n)'s shoulder whilst the girl slipped out of her shoes. "Anything at all."

Her lips, dry, curled up into a tight smile, "thank you."

She climbed the stairs with ease, years of running up and down and through the house ingrained in both her mind and muscle. Upon her arrival at the familiar door she took a moment to inhale a deep breath, holding it and gently knocking. A voice echoed from within the room, muffled by both the thick door between them and the snickering of the entity behind her.

She opened the door slowly and took a step in, neither action earning her the attention she sought. (Y/n) closed the door behind her before she spoke, "Light."

That did the trick. Not even a second passed and the boy was always jumping up from his seat and bounding over to her. "(Y/n)." He talked with a hushed voice and gripped her around the shoulders, "what's wrong?"

"Oh Light!" She cried out. Tears pricked the inner corners of her bagged eyes but refused to fully fall. To cope she threw herself into his arms and pressed her cheek into his chest– a total 180 from the cool and collected persona she normally displayed for him. "It's awful! I-I can't eat... I can't sleep. I don't know what to do."

"Calm down," Light mumbled into her hair. He had momentarily taken a break from awkwardly patting her on the back, instead he was now attempting to untangle both of their arms in order to walk her over to his bed. She reluctantly obliged and allowed him to back her into taking a seat at the foot of the bed. Light himself followed suit and sat back down in his chair. "Tell me what happened."

(Y/n) recounted the event of finding the Death Note in the school courtyard, leaving out the part where it had actually happened ten years prior, and how she "thought it was just some stupid, sick prank". She said it had been plaguing her, burrowing into her head no matter how much she tried not to think about it, and how she just had to try it out on someone– a man convicted but never tried for murder. A man that conveniently would align with Light's code of ethics on crime and punishment. He always had such a naïve view on the world.

She sank further down to reach into her school bag, withdrawing the notebook and turning to look him dead in the eyes, "I tried erasing it but that didn't work, not even burning the page did the trick." She hadn't of course. The only reason she said so was to provide a reason as to why the first page had been ripped from the book– a precautionary measure for the unforeseen future.

"How do you know he won't just kill you?"

(Y/n) cocked her head back up at the floating god. The question hadn't been that outlandish: she was making a monster after all, so how would she keep herself safe?

"Ryuk," she snickered. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were worried. Why would he kill me? As far as he knows I'm innocent, so overcome from grief and guilt after killing such an awful criminal." She turned back to the notebook splayed out on the desk before haphazardly ripping out the first page– mostly blank aside from one or two names. "Besides, if things go haywire I could always just kill him and take it back."

Light carefully took the notebook from her hands, running a sole finger down the thin spine. She nearly squealed in delight seeing him look it over, and it took everything in her to keep her lips from cracking into a smile once she saw him mouth the title to himself. Death Note. After what he deemed a thorough investigation– going so far as to open it and speed-read through the instructions –he turned back up to speak once more. But he couldn't, a sheer look of terror overcame his features and a yelp strangled its way out from his vocal chords.

He fell from his chair. His mouth hung open in silence whilst he gawked at the nightmarish creature behind (Y/n): who in turn laughed at him. Though comical, she found the display pathetic. Surely, she hadn't been this bad the first time.

"No reason to act surprised," Ryuk rasped, "I am the shinigami, Ryuk, and that used to be my notebook." He lifted a sole clawed finger to point to the leather bound book still in Light's grasp. "Surely you can tell what you have isn't just any old notebook."

"I thought you might be able to keep it hidden someplace safe," (Y/n) had finally spoken up, "just until I can find some way to get rid of it."

"You know what happens if you give it away, right?"

She did: the loss of the Death Note meant the loss of her memories associated with it. Ryuk had babbled it to her years prior, and just a few days ago once she told him her plan.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not giving it away," her tone was sharp, snappy, "It's still mine, I'm just letting someone else hold it for a bit."


"--Please, Light!" The girl slipped to her knees beside him, and within a matter of seconds seized him around the wrist– just above the hand that still clung to the notebook. "You're the only one I can trust this much."

There it was, the coup de grace. A few pretty words whispered from her sharp tongue and he was wrapped around her finger. She could visibly see the way his broad shoulders loosened, his dark eyes illuminated by the fire behind them. 

❝𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭?
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞❞
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