6. the eye of providence

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January 8, 2004

She sighed. Lips pursed around the eraser of her pencil as she stared down at the paper, her eyes steadily narrowed as they floated down the page. She hated physics. God, where is Light when you need him?

The shrill, two-note melody of the doorbell barged into her thoughts.

"I've got it!" She shouted. Before her father could even react, she jumped up from the floor and bounded over to the front door.

In all of her excitement she didn't bother to check who it was: after all, anything had to be better than rereading the same question for eternity. She swung the door open, a smile plastered on her face, expectant to see the postman or even the little old lady next door.

"Oh, Light." (Y/n) reeled back her enthusiasm. She inched closer to the door jam, closing the door as much as possible with her still in it. "I didn't know you were coming over."

He skipped past his usual pleasantries. "Can we talk?"

She didn't respond. Instead tossing her head over her shoulder to stare back into the house. The sound of the television slowly lowered, the cacophony of fake laughter and one-line jokes became harder and harder to hear. (Y/n) turned back with a sheepish grin. "I'd love to, but my dad's home right now. I should be free tonight, if you'd want to call--" his hand struck out, locking around her wrist and sharply tugging in order to pull her outside. "--Light!"

He huffed, exasperated, and quickly tucked the envelope in his hand beneath his arm. Now free, his hands flew to her sides to pat down her sweater. "Is your cell phone on you?" he murmured as his palms brushed against the pockets of her skirt.

"What? No!" She squealed, squirming away from his incessant groping. "What the hell? What's wrong with you?!" Light groaned.

"My house is bugged."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. She glanced from him to her house and back again. "You don't think...you don't think mine is, right?"

He shook his head. "No, probably not."

"Probably?!" Light ignored her outburst.

"There haven't been any investigation files on my father's computer since December. And the other day, when I went to the NPA office, nobody from the task force was there. Then earlier, when I got home, I found evidence that someone had been in my room." He paused. His brown eyes trailed off from her gaze to stare down the street; almost as if expecting there to be someone watching-- aware of their entire conversation. With his eyes scrutinizing every single shadow in the distance, his voice lowered just a touch above a whisper, he continued, "I'm almost positive this is L's doing."

The very idea of her every move being observed by some unseen entity was enough to set her on pins and needles, and she wasn't the one with damning evidence hidden in her desk drawer. She shivered and folded her arms around her abdomen to shield herself from the chill. "What are you going to do?"

It was an honest question. Of all the outlandish requests and ridiculous stunts Light had pulled during his tyrannical reign as Kira, this had been the first time (Y/n) had expressed her concern.

Light, however, received the inquiry as doubt. His eyes darkened and his brow furrowed, and then he set in. "What I'm going to do is show him he's wrong." She frowned.

"Well I wish you luck with that."

She had originally opened her mouth to say something else: to stammer into an explanation or choke out an apology about how he misinterpreted her words. But she didn't owe him anything. He was lucky she let him get this far.

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