15. teumessian fox

616 31 5

May 31, 2004

Her eyes locked onto the ceiling, though her gaze remained unfocused. The stark white blurred as fuzzy as she lay there, unblinking. Her teeth absently worried at her lip. She hadn't even begun to notice the pain, the sting of saliva washing over broken flesh. The metallic tang of blood on her tongue.

(Y/n) had seen the news. The reports of an unnamed, up-and-coming idol's manager being apprehended for drug possession. Pictures of the young woman floated around gossip columns or backwoods web forms: sometimes accompanied by a name, the same name as Misa's manager.

What an idiot. She didn't know if the thought was directed at Misa, for leaving behind enough evidence to get caught– even after she assured her she covered her tracks, or if it was aimed back at (Y/n) herself. Stupid, idiotic for trusting someone like that. For even trusting Light in the first place. All of this? Just for some excitement?

As luck would have it, everything was about to get a lot worse.


The cold, unwavering voice of a shinigami. Clear, unlike the heavy rasp of her own god of death. It was surprising Rem hadn't come to her sooner, quite possibly to kill the human girl.

(Y/n) sat upright, holding herself up with her arms. Her face settled into something unreadable, a mask of resignation as she awaited her death sentence: her last few moments of being before fading off into nothing. She signed away her fate long ago.

But it wasn't (Y/n)'s blood Rem was after.

"Misa," of course it was about her, "Misa has...given up her ownership of the Death Note." (Y/n)'s eyes squeezed shut. Inhaling a cold stream of air, she felt a headache coming on. "When I offered to remove her restraints and let her escape, Misa shook her head from side to side. She must have thought that the existence of shinigami and special powers would have caused problems for you...

And when she reached her psychological limit, she asked me to kill her before she would be forced to talk. It was all so that you would love her." Their eyes met, one cold reptilian pupil to an even colder pair. "Even though she asked me, I couldn't kill Misa. I couldn't keep watching...there was only one way to save her from that suffering. "Relinquish ownership of the Death Note. Doing that will cause you to lose all memories related to it. Your memories of killing with the notebook, and of (Y/n) and Light as Kira, will vanish. You won't be able to betray any secrets...And while you will no longer be able to see me or Ryuk, your love for (Y/n) (L/n) will remain." I told this to Misa.

And asked her if she wished to relinquish ownership of the Death Note. She then smiled and nodded...and lost consciousness." Rem steadied herself. She took a few long strides over towards (Y/n): her lanky skeletal frame towering over the girl. She lifted a finger, the eerie scratch of the dry, bleached phalange uncurling like nails on a chalkboard. "If you don't save Misa, I'll kill you."

(Y/n)'s eyes narrowed. Her lips pursed, the saccharine blood of her self-inflicted wound painting them a deep crimson. "Save Misa?" She repeated. "I can't even fucking save myself!"

She violently popped up from her seat. Her form passed through the ethereal mist that was Rem as she stormed her way over to her desk drawer. Harshly pulling the handle, she withdrew Misa's notebook. "You think I know what to do with this?" She shook the paperback in the air for emphasis before tossing it onto the blankets of her bed.

"What are you doing?"

(Y/n) laughed, a low hissing sound. She shoved aside the papers and textbooks atop her desk, in a hurried search for her cellphone. "I'm trying to get a hold of the only person who has some semblance of a brain left." The phone's hinges clicked when she flipped it open. Her thumb grazed over the third speed-dial option.

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