10. belial

999 55 6

May 20, 2004

(Y/n) never thought she would actually come to miss Light's previous incessant attention, but anything was better than the silence she was receiving. His phone was turned off a majority of the day, meaning any calls or text messages sent would never be received, and only turned back on at odd times of the night. Whenever she could reach him, she was usually ignored or sent straight to voicemail. Her friends from school had begun to notice.

It grew harder and harder to keep denying their worried whispers asking what happened between them. Did they break up? Get into a fight? Was he cheating?

She fantasized about ruining his reputation: answering their questions with some horrific story about how she found him with another girl, how harsh he treated her, how he had a penchant for kicking puppies. But what would ever come from that? She also fantasized about killing him, but that wasn't anything new.

(Y/n) bobbed her head along to whatever inane, pointless story the girl from her journalism class is retelling as they walked to their next class. She's not entirely sure why the other girl had suddenly decided they were friends, or even when that exchange transpired– one day Kiyomi hadn't even looked in her direction and the next she was telling (Y/n) her life story.


She frowned. Her head turned away from the direction the infamous voice was coming from, appearing more interested in Kiyomi's words.

The short haired girl tilted her head. "Aren't you going to answer him?"

"Answer who? I didn't hear anything."

(Y/n) heard Light approach from the back before she saw him, his hand placed itself upon her shoulder. "Hey," he smiled and spoke in a voice as sincere as he could physically muster up, "didn't you notice me calling for you?"

She rolled her eyes. "I guess not. I must have been busy." His brow twitched. His gaze flickered over toward the girl beside (Y/n), who was trying her best to appear as if she hadn't been horribly interested in whatever was going on.

"Takada," she perked up at the sound of her name, "do you mind if I borrow (Y/n) for a moment? I'd like to speak to my girlfriend alone."

Kiyomi shook her head. "Oh, no, of course. See you later, (Y/n)." She gave them both a gentle wave before scurrying off, occasionally looking back in helpless curiosity.

Once he deemed the other was sufficiently far enough away, Light turned to (Y/n) with a hardened expression. "What's going on? This isn't like you." She scoffed. It really was like her, just not like the her he knew.

"So now you want to know?" (Y/n) took a step back in order to slip out from beneath his hold. "What's going on is I feel used. Used for your stupid disguise, used for something I trusted you with. Do you even know anything about me? My birthday, my dad's name, where I grew up, anything at all." She scoffed: disgusted by the clueless look on his stupid face. "No, because you don't care about me. You don't answer my calls or make time to let me know what's happening. God, I haven't seen you since last month."

Light sighed. He glanced around at their surroundings, seeming to be on the lookout for anyone paying attention. Once satisfied, he inched closer. His hands rose to cup her cheeks and tilt her head up to him. "Listen–"

"--please don't touch me."

He ignored her. "Do you think I'd really be here right now if I didn't care?" Probably. "You've seen the broadcasts, right? We're finally closing in on the second Kira." And there it was, his whole motive for finally breaking his silence. He wanted something from her. "I'm going to Aoyama and Shibuya to find him, and I want you there with me."

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