13. ode to aphrodite

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Misa was the first to exit the room, grabbing hold of (Y/n)'s hand on her way out the door and leading her down the stairs. She babbled about how (Y/n) should come to her place some day for a sleepover.

"Ooh, or I could sleep over here!" She squealed.

As titillating as the conversation was, Light didn't bother to listen. He merely stared at the back of the girls' heads. His hands clenched into fists as (Y/n)led them out the front door, his chest tight.

She didn't attempt to speak to him whilst locking the door, and turned away wordlessly after.

They stood in opposite directions: faced away from one another in the cool night air. Both (Y/n)and Misa's shoes clicked against the pavement-- leaving without so much as a good night.

It was clear that if he didn't say something, she never would.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

(Y/n) stopped. She looked back at Light. It became hard to tell if she was squinting beneath the glare of the street lamp overhead or narrowing her eyes in distaste.

"I doubt it," she replied. "I really would rather be left alone after tonight."

After tonight.

What was that supposed to mean? Was she upset about the way he reacted?

"But..." he was desperately searching for the right words. You need me? I need you? That wasn't true. "But you're my girlfriend. What will people say?"

Her lips creased. Her nose turned up at him. "Probably what they've already been saying." The two girls took off.

Misa continued to babble incessantly to (Y/n), apparently unphased by the strange girl's sudden admission of love in front of– who everyone regarded as –her boyfriend.

"(Y/n)?" Misa's cheery tone suddenly flattened. Her head tilted to gaze up at the girl whose arm she had clung on to. (Y/n) hummed in response. "Are you okay?" The blonde's small hand raised to hover over the portion of arm Light had held her by. "He didn't hurt you, right?"

She blinked. (Y/n) wasn't entirely sure how she wanted to play the situation. "I'm alright. That wasn't the first time he's acted that way."

"So leave him!" (Y/n) stopped in her tracks. Misa had released her vice-like grip and jumped in front. Her hands balled into fists. "You shouldn't be with someone who treats you like that. You deserve someone who will cherish you! Someone that wouldn't ever make you cry." The idea alone was almost enough to make her laugh: her? Crying over someone?

"You mean someone like you?"

Misa's face flushed, turning a deep red within mere seconds.

May 27, 2004

(Y/n) had really put Light in a tough position.

True to her word, she avoided Light every chance she got. She dodged his calls, ignored his texts, and had even begun taking a different route to school in the off-chance they might come across one another in the morning. A taste of his own medicine, he supposed; he did ignore her once he joined the investigation. But at least he didn't do it on purpose.

Her friends, unsatisfied by a lack of answer from (Y/n), had begun approaching Light for information about their private life.

"Yagami," Kiyomi, someone he's seen with (Y/n) on multiple occasions, whispered to him earlier today in class. "Is everything alright between you and (L/n)? I tried calling her but she never picked up." So it wasn't just Light she was avoiding. "People are saying some really obscene things about the two of you, I'm worried about her." She threw in the last comment as an afterthought.

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