12. the book of job

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Light was quiet, although he was doubtful he would be for much longer. His shock had worn off mid-way through the blonde's– Misa, (Y/n) introduced her as, though Light wasn't all that interested –speech about how she had found them, and slowly he began to fill with contempt. Contempt for the fact that it hadn't been him who found the second Kira, contempt that someone like that had gotten hold of a death note, and, for the first time, contempt for (Y/n).

This was all her fault, right? Surely it had to be. She was the one who presented Misa to him. She allowed herself to be found. It was a useless connection all together: one that seemed to exclude the fact that, if it weren't for him, Misa would never have known (Y/n) had any involvement in this. But it was the only one he could reach that would justify his emotions.

He turned to (Y/n), his eyes cold and an expression of disgust sewn into his features. "What were you thinking?" He hissed. She hesitated, startled. She had begun to inch back and away from him. It was difficult even for her to tell how much of her trepidation was fake, the lines between her shell and mind blurred the more her heart raced. She stumbled over nothing, nearly falling had he not seized her by the upper arms. "Are you stupid? Do you have any idea how badly this could backfire? What evidence the NPA have?" She couldn't figure out if he was shaking her or if she was trembling.

Isn't this what she wanted? To see Light coming apart at the seams, to see him pale in despair. She just never assumed it would be directed at her.

"Don't talk to (Y/n) like that!" Misa blurted out. She dove in between them, ducking beneath Light's arm to separate the two. It was almost comical to see her come to the rescue, yapping like a tiny pomeranian attempting to defend its owner. "Those tapes I sent are rewritten and those fingerprints aren't mine. A-and besides," she stammered, "I was the one who asked her to bring you here."

Light looked doubtful of her lie, but he's intrigued nonetheless. She took this as a que to continue, "I can help you. I can tell you L's name so you don't have to make the eye deal."

"And what do you get out of it?"

She faltered. Her gaze flickered to (Y/n)'s face over her shoulder: seeing the way she shrunk down into her own skin, her head bowed to hide her face. Misa wanted to bite her tongue, to say what (Y/n) wanted her to say, but she just couldn't do it.

"(Y/n) was the one who punished the man that killed my family!"

(Y/n) silently grit her teeth. You idiot!

"If you're important to her, then you're important to me too. You can do whatever you want to me, use me if you have to." She had a plucky sense to her, a determination fiery in her eyes like a protagonist in a children's tale. It was unknown to either Light or (Y/n) where this willingness to lay down her life for a girl she had just met the day prior came from. "But if you ever hurt (Y/n) I will kill you."

It was a childish threat: one that he fully intended to gloss over. Misa wouldn't be around for much longer, once he found out L's true name and got rid of the rest of the investigation team, he'd dispose of her like the rest. He doubted (Y/n) would mind too much– she never wanted to be a part of this in the first place –and even if she did, what would (Y/n) do? Kill him?

Still, it did hold some semblance of importance. This was a girl who had gone through unknown lengths just to track the two of them down, killing countless officers and innocent bystanders on her way.

"All right," Light responded after a period of silence. He paused to give the illusion of him mulling it over, when in reality it was one of the simplest decisions he's ever made. "I accept your help. The half of your life you gave up will be a valuable weapon." He outstretched a hand with intent to shake on the agreement.

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