The End

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My mom ran up to me and hugged me. My sister just stood there in the distance with her hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

"Mom why are you crying I'm okay." I said giggling a little.

"Honey why do you smell like rat blood?"

"Its a long story."

Why so specific though?

Mike's POV

As my mom ran up to me crying my dad stood there feeling guilty.

"I'm okay mom I'm not fiveee." I whined trying not to break down.

"Oh I'm so glad you're okay Mikey you did so good sweetheart. Are you going to your dad's house this weekend?" She asked

"I don't know mom his place is a little... Toxic..." I stated

"Go talk to him honey." She requested

"I don't know..."

My dad then ran up to me and picked me up over his shoulders.

"I'm sorry son, for underestimating you and your bravery, i'm sorry for everytime I hurt you or made you cry as a kid. I'm sorry for ignoring you and making you work all the time for my approval, I'm sorry for never believing in you and i'm sorry for all the trouble your mom and I's relationship has caused.." He confessed.

As I took a second to process everything he said. Tears formed in my eyes. I had no idea why I suddenly had a change of heart I just knew at that moment. That I felt like a boy again...

I busted into tears in my Father's arms as my mom just watched in the background

Hazel's POV

My sister then came running up to me.

"Oh sis I'm sorry for being such a mean older sister!" She cried.

"Okay now why are you crying!?" I asked taken a back.

"Oh I don't know I just felt like it since everyone else is doing it." She confessed.

I sigh and then turn back to my mom.

"Mom you know Vincent right? You're friends with his mom and stuff well he's my boyfriend now!" I exclaim

"I always thought Vincent was gay wow!" She claimed fascinated.

"Oh I uh get that a lot?" He answered awkwardly.

My father then pulled him to the side for a little chat.

I then looked over at Mike and saw him laughing and smiling with his dad. Eyes red and face also red and filled with dried up tears.

I then see a little girl about five or six years old run up to him.

He then turned around and picked her up with a smile on his face.

I went up to him and asked if she was his daughter.

He looked flabbergasted for a second. He then turned red.

"Oh uh no she's my little sister." He claimed.

"Oh... Well that's awkward.." I said burning up with embarrassment.

"Well your sister's really pretty!" I said with a smile.

"Thanks, she gets her good looks from me!" He exclaims trying to boost his already big enough ego.

"No she gets it from us!" His parents corrected him.

"Yea, yea.."

"Thank you, you're really pretty too I like your hair!" His little sister said in this adorable voice.

"Thank you so much!" I said smiling knowing that was the only compliment that really mattered. Kids are brutally honest and when a kid says your pretty. You're pretty. And if a kid says you're ugly. I'm sorry but you're ugly.

I then glanced at the house and it was gone. It wasn't there anymore.

"Hey Mike.. The house.. It isn't there anymore." I said in a hushed voice

"Oh shit, I didn't even realize!" He claimed.

"Mikey why are you saying bad words!" His sister yelled.

"Sorry Layla don't follow me okay I'm a bad influence." He reassured her.

"Layla... that's a beautiful name." I say to myself.

As Vin came back from the talk looking traumatized I grabbed his hand and went to sit behind a tree with him.

"Is this the end? Is it finally over?" I asked staring into the sunset.

"I don't know... Is this the end?..."

"Let's just enjoy the sunset while it's here." I said as I lay my head down in his lap. I looked into his eyes. Then back at the sunset. If you asked me... I couldn't see a difference..

The End... Or is it?

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