Was It Real

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Was It Real

The next day was here and it looked like everything was again normal. Hannah was alright fit and fine. Camron was happy seeing her and James was also seeing good. They had the big breakfast in their backyard and were once again happy. They talked and Ethan saw a chance to get away only to see Ian in his room.

Ian was laying on his stomach, wearing headphones over his head and trying to draw something, which wasn't working because he was laying on his bed, not a hard surface. He was wearing a pistachio green hoody reaching his mid-thigh and underneath he was wearing his black jeans shorts which were not visible if he stands straight. A white set of headphones was settled over his head, and he was biting a pencil in his mouth.

Ethan was looking at him in aww. 'how can a boy be that beautiful' he inhaled sharply when Ian rubbed his legs together and raised his small feet, folding his knees. Suddenly he whined and slumped his face on his bed and straighten his legs. His clothed buttocks were now clear. A small body lying on the bed on his stomach and his perky ass was everything that took Ethan's breath away. He cleared his throat but Ian didn't get anything maybe because of his headphones. So considering the fact Ethan walked towards the bed and tried to reach when at the same time Ian jolted up and turned around. He stumbled and fell in Ethan's arms. They both looked at each other until Ian broke the contact and tried to stand up. Ethan scratched his nape and stepped back.

"did you need anything?" asked Ian smiling while looking down.

"umm we....are about to leave in an hour or so, so I thought why not meet you?" he said smiling at his beautiful boy. Ian smiled and turned around to bend over and started to collect his sheets scattered on the bed. His action made Ethan look at him with wide eyes. His round and peachy ass was the greatest view for Ethan. Ian stood up unaware of his actions and went towards his table to put his things. Ian was a messy boy it was clear due to his unarranged table.

"When will you come back?" asked Ian standing near his writing table

"well, if I get free time from work I will be at your service," he said smiling and walking towards Ian "why don't we go for some shopping and hang out together, just you and me" Ethan proposed his idea for spending time together, he sat on the table near Ian while Ian was still standing. To him, Ethan was looking great although he was wearing his clothes from yesterday still he looked handsome.

"I would love that," said Ian shyly, he wanted to ask when will they go for that hangout but he thought otherwise. Ethan stood up from the table and came closer to Ian. Ian was standing near the wall but stepped back when he saw him coming near.

"can I talk to you about something personal?" asked Ethan while looking expectantly at Ian. Ian was looking down but he raised his eyes at Ethan's level and looked at him with interest

"sure you can" Ian replied,

"will you judge me?" Ethan asked

"why would I, we are best friends right?" Ian assured

"right.........that's what I want to change Ian, I don't want to be friends anymore," Ethan said seriously. Ian was taken aback by what Ethan said. He looked at Ethan with those innocent big eyes.

"what? You........you don't wanna be my friend anymore?" Ian said with hurt in his innocent big eyes. Ethan shook his head while he put his hand flat on the wall just beside Ian's head. He looked into his beautiful grey eyes and whispered

"I want us to become much more than friends Ian," he said while he put his hand on Ian's slim waist. When Ethan felt no resistance he pulled Ian towards him slowly and Ian placed his hand on Ethan's chest. His cheeks felt hot and they bloomed pink due to his shyness.

"I want to keep you just for myself, I want you to become my boyfriend," said Ethan hesitantly but with passion.

Ian realized what Ethan said, he was shocked, his eyes were wide and his small hands were trembling, he wanted to vanish for how much he was blushing. He averted his gaze towards anything but settled on his chair. Ethan was not having anything like that, he has waited so long to ask Ian to become his. He loved him since he was a little boy and now when he is so beautiful and innocent, Ethan wouldn't take a chance to make him his? He hooked his finger under Ian's chin to make him look his way.

"I am waiting for your answer; will you be my boyfriend Ian?" Ian blushed hard and slowly nodded his head. Ethan was smiling widely now that he had an answer.

"so may I kiss my boyfriend?" he asked a little teasingly. Ian was nervous but he nodded. He closed his eyes when he saw Ethan leaning in. Ethan saw him closing his eyes and backed away 'maybe he is not comfortable'. He frowned a little at how tightly he closed his eyes.

"if you are not comfortable, we don't have to do it" Ian's eyes shot open at Ethan's soft voice. He realized how forced he looked when he shut his eyes tightly. The kiss he shared with Julian made him do that but Ethan doesn't need to know that besides he wants Ethan to kiss him.

"No! I mean, I don't feel uncomf.......... No, it's just...I ...no......I am sorry" he pouted cutely upon which Ethan laughed out loud at his rambling. Ethan was a possessive man he wouldn't let anyone come near this cute boy and see this side of him that was reserved just for him.

"so it's okay if I kiss you?" Ethan asked and, Ian nodded slowly to make Ethan smile widely. This time Ian didn't close his eyes, he was staring at Ethan but the eyes of others were closed. Their lips met in a very soft and delightful connection. Ethan touched his lips with so much care and love that Ian felt he was on cloud nine. Ethan's grip on his waist tightened and he felt himself drowning. Before Ian could respond to the kiss he saw something which his mind couldn't register. He saw his chair scattered into many pieces on the floor after being thrown so harshly. The only problem was that the harsh throw and broken chair were visible in the mirror opposite the table. The chair on the floor was sitting normally on his small rug just beside his table as if it isn't touched by anyone. The crash created a sound which Ian heard but still couldn't believe it happened. He wasn't responding to the kiss but staring rather confused at the mirror. It was clear that the chair was thrown out of strong aggression. His thoughts were cut off when he felt a sting on his lips.

"ah......" he moans painfully to make Ethan back off. His eyes averted again and his focus on the mirror broke.

"I am sorry Ian, I don't know why I bit you, I am so sorry sweetheart" he held Ian's face in both of his hands. Ethan didn't know why he did that, he almost felt in control of something.

"no, it's okay.....don't worry," Ian said feeling unattached to the situation but still looking at the mirror where everything seems normal again.

"are you okay?" Ethan asked while looking at his back where Ian was looking. There was nothing but as he looked back he felt a little dizzy and stumbled because of imbalance.

"Woah Ian...... your kiss made me dizzy" commented Ethan jokingly, but his smile vanished seeing how serious Ian looked.

"what's wrong, did I do something wrong hmm?" he asked with concern while resting his both hands over Ian's shoulders

"Huh?" Ian was still not convinced that what he saw was real or not

"is there anything that is making you uncomfortable Inni" Ethan asked while looking at his back again

"oh, no nothing is wrong, it's just...........nothing really" he said

"Ethan dear, come on now it's time to go" Mrs. Smith called and Ethan looked at Ian. He smiled and caressed his cheeks

"It's time to go but I will soon schedule something alright? We should really go on a date and I want to make it special for you" he said while leaning to peck younger lips last time and holding his small hands in his big ones. Ian smiled and blushed because of a sudden peck.

"Come on," he said dragging the boy, Ian stopped to look at the mirror last time before leaving with Ethan.


to be continued

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