The Unplanned Meeting

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The Unplanned Meeting

The Smith family took the ‘Don’t let Ian be alone’ mission very seriously. They made it their first priority to involve Ian in anything they are doing even Mr Smith was taking an active part. They weren’t leaving Ian to breathe.

The boy was shocked at their constant need for his presence. He had no courage to say no when the activities or chores were made into a fun ones. He was happily tired every night and preferred to snuggle in his husband’s warm and broad chest who was more than pleased to engulf his now better-than-before tiny husband.

Where the usual start of the day was opening his eyes only to see an empty side of the bed where his husband used to sleep, drastically changed into Cameron snatching him before he opens his eyes and take a look around.

She had so much planned for every day and Ian was surprised every day to hear a new task crawling its way to him. He was happy though, certainly, he was distracted from that evil presence which was unseen by many and was involved in his own family and their silly tasks. 


“come on Ian let’s get going we have lots to do,” Cameron said pulling Ian from the couch where the younger sat thinking about something deeply. Cameron saw Ian spaced out, instantly her mind flashed with the talk the family had yesterday about not leaving Ian alone.

Ian came out of his daze when he was lifted off the couch and looked around in order to find the source that was calling him. His eyes found Cameron standing near the TV and smiled at her nervously.

“umm, what did you say….I“ he tried to explain his stance but Cameron didn’t bother his absence of mind. She shrugged it like it was no big deal and held her hand out for Ian to hold.

The younger placed his hand in her’s silently and got dragged until they reached the fully packed kitchen. Supplies of various kinds were scattered along the shelves and floor which made Ian think about something.

Looking at Camron with questioning eyes he gestured towards the mess kitchen was currently.

“what is all this?” he asked timidly trying to know what all of this meant. Cameron smiled at him before placing her hands over his shoulders.

“I am planning a feast for the night. Liam told me about the deal Ethan and him both were after is finally accomplished and I wanted to prepare a good home-cooked meal for them as a surprise.” She explained and in return, she felt the faltering smile of the younger.

Ian was sad, he was aware of his absence in his husband’s life and his happiness. Ethan should be able to share his life and his important matters with his husband who can comfort him on bad days and cherish the good days altogether but then the whole situation flipped back and the younger found himself guilty.

“I don’t deserve to be a part of it” he mumbled lowly, eyes filling with tears but Cameron was able to listen very clearly. She stared at him for a minute and then lifted Ian’s chin to make him look at her.

“nonsense, you deserve everything and more. Now enough of the sadness. Abigail will be here any minute and I want your help” Cameron said with smiling kind eyes.

“yes Mr. Peaches madam is right……you deserve everything in this world. And if you are still wondering what this mess has to do with cooking….well….it is because we are cleaning the pantry as well” Abigail popped out of nowhere and explained the remaining part with an exciting smile.

Ian felt at ease when both women encouraged him. If he was left behind in some very important events of his husband’s life because of some stupid being sitting over his nerves then now is the time to take a step ahead and to do something his husband will like.

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