He is Supreme

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He is Supreme

Ian woke up after twenty-four hours, much to Ethan’s relief.

All this while the whole family was on edge, nobody knew what to expect until the boy opened his tired yet beautiful eyes.

Mr William leapt forward to engulf the younger in his fatherly hug. He was so worried that he refused to leave and rest until he saw his son wide awake and alright.

It was really late at night and the family was tired, to say the least. After much pleading and convincing Ethan was able to send everyone to their respective rooms and was left with his tiny husband alone.

He helped the boy in drinking the water prescribed by Regan and succeeded when Ian didn’t even question him.

Actually, Ian didn’t question anything at all. he didn’t ask anything about Regan and his visit with his wife nor did he ask about him sleeping for so long. Perhaps he forgot about the deadly encounter they had or didn’t live the moment at all.

The boy seemed alright aside from his declining health.

Things were going smoothly. Ethan fed Ian with a small portion of the meal which Ian could take in easily and afterwards, he carried his baby to the bathroom for clean-up and shower not anticipating something horrible coming their way.


Camron and Mr. Smith were sleeping side by side. They were tired from the exhausting day's activities and commotion altogether.

After Abigail, Mrs. Smith was the one taking over the chores of the house and although her husband and son were practically helping her with anything, still she felt tired after managing the whole day with several things at hand.

She was sleeping peacefully until her eyes snapped open and she sat on the bed straight.

Scanning the room, she looked at her husband sleeping soundly beside her before getting out the bed and leaving the room with quiet steps and closing the door after her.

In the long hallway, she fixed her eyes on the staircase and started to walk like an automated system. Her movements are robotic and without any unnecessary voice.

After a minute she stood right outside the closed door of Ethan and Ian’s room. Without thinking much, she twisted the handle and opened the door like a thief.

The shower was running and the room was empty.

She glanced at the bathroom door before tiptoeing towards the bed and ruffling all the cushions and sheets to get to the object she was looking for.

Finally, she picked the pillow Ian slept on and under it, she found the tiny book she had been searching for. Almost like a machine, she picked up the book and left the room hurriedly straight to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, Cameron placed the tiny book on the stove and ignited it with the lighter sitting right beside it.

The vulnerable tiny book caught fire and slowly started to burn. Each and every small piece of book was turning into ashes but the woman stood there unfazed as she watched the result of her actions.


Meanwhile, Ethan came out of the bathroom with Ian. He made the boy lean against the dresser and went to grab his undergarments but then he stilled in his tracks and turned around.

The bed wasn’t looking like the way they left it.

True horror filling his system, Ethan rushed to the bed and flipped the pillows to find the spot empty of any book.

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