Addiction for Me

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Addiction for Me

“hi….” Ian greeted after he reached where the young man was sitting. It took a lot of his courage to even stand up from his place and walk towards the man seated just a few feet away. It was a small distance but felt like hours till he reached near him.

Since his first meeting with a mystery man, Ian wanted to meet him again so badly, wanted to ask questions about the deep connection he felt with that man. but now that he has shown some daring, Ian felt tongue-tied when Sora didn’t answer in return for his greetings.

The young mysterious man just sat there ignoring the presence of someone who was so ready to talk with him. Sora didn’t utter a word instead he turned his face away to show that he was not in the slightest bit interested in talking to strangers aka Ian.

“Sora Davis right?” Ian asked again. although the name was pretty much imprinted in his mind but still Ian made it look like he was recalling it to get some reaction from the man.

To his bad luck, Sora didn’t respond him again rather he looked up at the younger asking him a question he didn’t wanna answer.

“umm… remember us meeting at Elliot’s office…..uh….he is my friend by the way…” Ian continued even after he wasn’t getting anything in return. Normally, Ian would just skip the place where he feels unwelcomed but with Sora, he wanted to push his luck at least to the time where he can hear his tired voice.

Sora remembered him very clearly. It wasn’t like Ian was easy to forget just like that. He watched how the young boy was twisting his two fingers with his other hand to the point they were turning red due to maybe nervousness.

Does he make him nervous?

Sora thought while racking his eyes from the top to the bottom of Younger’s frame. He almost liked the way Ian was dressed in some big baggy jeans which had a weird-looking drawstring that held the pants at his waist and a wide neck sweatshirt which was dropping low from his left shoulder showing off his glowing skin. It was cute. Ian was cute.

Observing how Ian would smack and wet his plump luminous lips while he talked and how cutely he scrunched his nose when a gust of wind passed by them. His big doe grey eyes were curious wandering everywhere but at Sora and his cheeks getting red due to the harsh cold weather.

Ian wasn’t just cute…he was beautiful

Sora felt his heart beating a little faster when he saw how the boy was getting sad. His eyes were filling with tears as he looked down to hide his face. Softly sniffling, Ian wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve and looked up again.

“……I should get going…..I am sorry for disturbing you…..please don’t think I am weird” Ian mumbled the last part closing his eyes and sighing out of exhaustion.

Sora was only able to get the last part before he was witnessing Ian retreating back to his chair leaving the mysterious man and his beating heart with him. He didn’t like the fact that Ian was almost crying, the realization that it could be him made him blurt out his first words towards Ian when he only responds to his doctor or his mother.

“I don’t ….” He stopped after saying just that but it proved enough when Ian stopped in his tracks and looked back at him with confused eyes.

Was he hearing things?

Sora on the other hand had a full view of the boy’s figure in front of him, just a few feet away. Ian looked like a doll to the man. He has never seen anyone that attractive in a while. Somehow the young boy was making him remember his past self.

Envious, that’s what Sora felt when he saw how naïve and cute Ian looked while he stood there with his small hands clutched at his front and eyes focused on him to say something more than that.

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