Something is off

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Something is off

“Sora!!! Listen to me” Mrs Davis yelled after her son who rushed out of the building and now was walking forward towards the parking lot. Ian stood where he was and could clearly see both mother and son arguing back and forth. And although he didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, he couldn’t help himself but listen.

“Why, when you don’t understand what I say” Sora retorted angrily as he marched forward with heavy steps. Mrs Davis was also losing her patience. She was getting tired of her son’s false claims and was fed up with these visits when her son was the same as he was years ago.

“because what you say is stupid!!! He doesn’t exist” she shouted taking the attention of Mr and Mrs Smith who were trying to avoid even looking at them. Mrs Davis didn’t care if she was being heard talking this loud in the middle of the parking lot.

She only wanted her son back but it seemed impossible to her with the way Sora was behaving with his treatments.

“he does!” Sora shouted back, eyes red and nose flaring though it wasn’t enough to scare his mother or to make her shut up instead she shouted back more angrily.

“no he doesn’t you delusional boy, he doesn’t!!!!. Why can’t you understand such a simple thing huh? I am doing this all for you and your future. Why can’t you-…” Sora didn’t let her finish. he roared back stating the fact he has been saying for the past many years.

“Why can’t you understand Mother, why can’t you have a brain to understand what I am saying, what I feel?! You just want me to gulp down that ridiculous amount of medicine that makes me sleep all the time.” He said making his mother scoff with irritation. If she doesn’t have a brain, then so doesn’t Sora.

“he exists. I have seen him, talked to him, touched him and I know he is real and not my hallucination” Sora continued, trying softly to convince her but it wasn’t affecting his mother one bit.

“Really now” she started sarcastically

“Then why don’t he come out so I can see him as well? Feel him, touch him, talk to him, anything.” She asked loudly earning an annoyed look from her son.

They both weren’t aware of the fact that Mrs Smith and Ian were standing there watching them arguing back and forth but they didn’t care honestly because both were just done with each other.

Mr smith was busy on his phone, scrolling pointlessly. He was very alert to his surroundings and was keeping an eye out but still, his behaviour seemed unbothered.

“he can’t” Sora whispered silently not wanting to disclose more than he wanted.

“here we go again” she sighed dramatically

“Listen to me Sora and listen carefully.” Sora looked at her like he knew what was coming out of her mouth even before she started.

“your tests have proved you are sick and have a mental illness and I want you back like you were before no matter what. Whether you like it or not, you have to get this treatment done, take your medicine and sessions--…” She was cut off again when Sora rolled his eyes and retaliated once more.

“those medicines are making me mad. I don’t want to sleep all the time, I don’t want to feel dizzy and vulnerable all the time Mother why can’t you understand!!” he was talking so loud that his voice boomed in that empty parking lot.

“I don’t care!” she shouted back with the similar intensity

“I don’t care what you feel. I just want my son back and mind you Sora, for that I can go to any length” she threatened making Ian look at her with astonishment. How was a mother behaving like this towards her suffering son?

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