Chapter 6 [edited]

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Once Ciel exited the residence, he could see the garden and the gate of the exit farther away. It was only then that Ciel let out a sigh and peeked backwards. He could see Ron's stiff expression through the closing door.

'I'm glad I was able to shake him off.'

He was glad that Ron did not follow him. However, Rok soo was afraid of that stiff expression. He was an assassin after all. Ciel decided that he will treat Ron better and not make him angry starting the next interaction as he exited the estate. Of course, he was on a carriage.

Ciel arrived at his destination a little bit later.

"Young master. Is this the right place?"

The driver cautiously asked as he opened the door. He then peeked toward the baker

"Yes. This is it."

Ciel, who was wearing clothes that would be fancy to others but was the simplest thing in his closet, walked out of the carriage. Nobody was around them, as they had moved away as soon as they saw the carriage with the count's crest on it.

Ciel get out of the carriage He needed to set the foundation to earn that Indestructible Shield today.

The Indestructible Shield.

It is not talking about a physical item. The best comparison might be a mage's mana shield. Something that does not actually have a physical form. However, it was very different from a mana shield, as it was closer to superpower than magic.

The funny thing was that the human who created the power, but ended up dying, was someone who served a god but ended up being excommunicated.

'All sorts of weird things are in this novel.'

As with the history of any fantasy world, this world also had its ancient history. During that ancient time, neither magic nor weaponry was developed.

Instead, it was a society where your own innate talent or talents gathered from supernatural occurrences played a pivotal role. The strongest powers in that society were superpowers, divine powers, and natural forces. It was a very primitive time.

Some of those powers have lasted all the way until now, staying hidden in certain locations or items. It was possible to take those powers for yourself if you meet the right conditions.

Ancient powers.

The heroes would find these powers, however, these powers were all supporting powers, not strong enough to be used as a hero's mainstay.

These were the powers that Rok soo was looking to find.

'Everything but the divine powers.'

Whether it be god or angels or devils, Ciel did not want to get involved with any of them.

(Meow316:*devilishly smiling*)

That was why Ciel was looking for the powers that people naturally developed or came from nature.

'That is the way to make sure I don't need to put in any effort.'

Those were the types of powers he was looking for. Something like sword art or magic would require him to put in effort to practice. He didn't want to do something like that.

Unlike other books, the ancient civilization in the novel, [The Birth of a Hero], was not that strong.

As civilization developed, the magic and summoning skills that were developed outshined the natural powers left behind by the ancient civilization. Superpowers were the same way. Most subtle superpowers would be blown away by a single hit from the, 'Aura,' that was used in present day.

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