Chapter 8 [edited]

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On their way home in the carriage Cale opened his mouth

"H-hyung , i will come with you tomorrow to get the power-
"I want to see you get it"

'cute' Ciey thought but answered

When they arrived home ron greet them
"Welcome back , young masters"

"Ron, me and hyung need to talk about something , please get us some tea and snacks"

"Yes , young master cale"

Cale and ciel walked to the room together

When they get in the room both of them sit down relaxed

Cale is thinking about how he will say all this  shocking things

Ron come in the room with lemon tea and cookies , he place the tray in front of them

"Ron , don't let anyone pass in front of the room"

"Yes , young master cale"

When ron get out of the room

Cale gave the message his mother write to ciel

Ciel reached for it and start reading it

<For my future son who the god of death bring him here>

<I am sorry>

<There is a information might help you>

< There is a place called the Forest of Darkness near the Henituse territory. >

< There are two different ancient powers in there. One is located inside a cave, and although I have not personally gone into the cave, I could feel the power from the entrance. The other power is located in the lake within the forest. It is actually a swamp covered in dead mana so I shouldn’t really call it a forest, but I could feel an ancient power in there as well. >

"Haa" Ciel sighed "She doesn't have to apologize to me-"
"But thanks to her i could get them , too troublesome"

Ciel reach for the tea , the moment he take a sip he nearly choke because of the bitterness

Cale chuckled at him and tries the tea too it happen too with him "what the hell with the lemon tea it's so bitter-
Let's just eat the cookies"

When they are enjoying eating the cookies

Cale opened his mouth
"ah , hyung i need to tell you something-"
"Mother tell me that she is the goddness of the love and beauty , that means that i am demi god , the earring that i wear seal my power when i take it off it will allow both of us use divine power, i think our souls connect somehow that i can share it?"

Ciel felt like fainting when he knew that both of them demi god but managed to say
"Dongseang let's never tell anyone about it-"
"We'll have a lot of problems if someone knows"


"About sharing the power , i have powers in my eyes that can make me record and remember everything i see , i will start using it if you fell anything tell me"

Cale looked at ciel eyes shining and smiling brightly, ciel nearly go blind but smiled and start use record

The moment ciel open it both of them nearly screamed of the pain

Both having pain in eyes and head

After 10 minutes of pain , the pain finally gone

Cale opened his mouth with mouth with teary-eyes "What the fuck is that-"
"Are these your memories the destruction and monsters?"

Ciel looked at him "How much you saw"

"It's just a pictures not too much-"
"I can feel and use your power now"

"I also saw pictures of your memory , i will turn the power off now"

"Yes , please"

Ciel turn it off "i turn it off"

"No , wait it didn't stop with me"

Ciel looked shocked at him "try to turn it off by yourself"

After 5 minutes of trying cale finally manged to turn it off "I did it"

Ciel looked at him with sad smile "I am sorry you get this damn power because of me-"
"You have to remember and never forget anything bad happen"

Cale looked at him angry "Who the fuck said that i will remember bad things only i will now remember my mother face and my happy memories with her and i will always remember that i have a stupid hyung now and make happy memories with him"

Ciel looked at him stunned but then chuckle "Of course"

Both looked at each other and sigh tiredly

"I want to sleep"
"Me too"

Both of them so tired to do anything so they just get in the bed and ready for sleeping but cale ask
"Why are sleeping in my bedroom?"
"This hyung of yours so lazy to even take a step"

"Haha- good night"
"Good night"

They slept like a log until the next Morning


this is the earring cale wear but he only wear one on the left side

• Rok soo not born in cale world so he can only use divine power when cale unseal it

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• Rok soo not born in cale world so he can only use divine power when cale unseal it

• Cale and ciel souls connect somehow so they can share powers (i don't know if i will make them share ancient power or not but i want them to have 'telepathy' so maybe i can make a power for it) tell me your opinion (ᗒᗩᗕ)

• this chapter is short because i am so tired and have headache and i can't even get help from the novel 'TCF'

• see yaaaa (。・ω・。)

888 Words

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