Chapter 7 [edited]

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[The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry]

It was a tea shop that allowed you to read poems while drinking tea. This clean three story building looked to be pretty expensive. It was true that the owner of the shop was very wealthy. In fact, as the bastard son of a concubine of a large merchant guild, he was even wealthier than Ciel. The only thing was that he was living here while hiding that identity.

‘If I recall correctly, the owner goes to the capital around volume 3 to meet Choi Han there. It is there that he claims that, he may be a bastard son of a concubine of the merchant guild, but that he will become the owner of the merchant guild.’

The man who shouts and swears to Choi Han that he will become the owner of the merchant guild. Ciel only read the first five volumes, and thus did not know if the man ever ended up becoming the owner of that merchant guild, but since he was one of the main character’s partners, he probably will succeed.

Clang. A quiet but clear bell sound announced ciel’s entrance into the tea shop.

Ciel stood at the entrance and looked around the tea shop. It was still early, and there were not many people there. Ciel could see that all of them were shocked to see him there.


However, the owner of this shop warmly welcomed ciel in.Ciel looked toward the baby pig-like man who welcomed him in from the counter.

‘He must be the owner.’

The wealthy bastard, Billos. His round face and full body definitely looked like a baby pig like the novel described. His charm was his extremely bright smile.

‘He looks like a piggy bank.’

Ciel took out a gold coin and put it on the counter as he ordered.

“I plan on staying on the third floor all day today.”

Billos stared at Ciel with a smile on his face. Ciel pretended not to notice as he pointed to the bookshelf.

“Any tea that is not bitter. Do you have novels here too or just poems?-"

"Give me two sweet tea and two novels"

Clang. The sound of someone putting their teacup down rang through the shop. Right ciel just thought of it as someone putting the teacup down hard and looked toward Billos. He prefered novels to poems.

“Of course. We have a lot of novels as well, young master ciel.”

“Really? Then send up the most interesting books and a two cup of tea.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Ciel’s gold coin fell onto Billos’s chubby hands. Ciel turned away as Billos tried to give him change.

“I’ll drink more tea later so just keep it.”

“…But it is still too much, young master.”

A gold coin was worth 1 million gallon. Having that coin, that was worth 1 million Korean won, ciel did something that he had always wanted to try.

“I have a lot of money. Consider it as your tip.”

There was nobody else on the third floor right now because it was early in the morning. Ciel took a seat in the innermost corner of the third floor. He then looked out the window.

‘This is the right spot.’

The spot where you could best see the Northern Gate of Western City. Ciel planned to watch Choi Han from this location today while waiting cale.


Cale after getting the Ancient power of his mother was so embarrassed because he just pass the text due to his looks

Cale get over it when he remembered that ciel waiting for him in the tea shop

Cale returned to the home fast

The moment he arrived he meet ron

"Ron , please bring me a spatial bag"

Ron paused a second when he hear 'please' but answer him "yes , young master"

Cale waited for 10 minutes before ron give him the spatial bag

He quickly put the diary in it

Then cale looked at ron "Ron , I am going out to hyung"

Cale didn't wait ron to answer him and get in the carriage

When he arrived he didn't even give a glance to anyone

Cale look at billos "Is ciel in the third floor or not"

"He is , young master"

Cale quickly climb up the stairs and when he saw ciel


Ciel looked at him and point out the chair to sit down

Cale nodded and sit down

Ciel then asked "Did you find any thing in mother diary?"

"Yes, but let's take about it at home-"
"Hyung did you get what you want?"

"Hmm no i think i will get it in two days"

They heard a voice of someone on the stairs

Then billos come to deliver the tea and the novels "Young masters , here is your tea and books"

"Thanks billos , this floor is for me tomorrow all day"

"I understand young master"

When billos left

Ciel looked at cale "drink the tea and enjoy reading the novel"

"Thank you hyung"

Ciel smiled at cale and starts to drink tea "sweet tea is the best"

"Yes hyung, I hate sour things"

"Me too , let's pray not to see lemonade tea soon"

"Ekk , sure"

The two have a peaceful and enjoyable time

Ciel and cale enjoyed being in peace until they return home.


I thought i publish this chapter 6 hours ago but actually i forget and put it in the draft

I slept like a log all the day (ᗒᗩᗕ)

941 Words

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