*Find Them*

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**this story is in the process of editing, as of June 2021, so if you're reading it around this time, some of the tenses/POVs might switch and not make sense***


Lily Gibbs and Alexis DiNozzo were walking home from school on a March afternoon. They only lived a few blocks away from each other, so they would often split off at the end of the park that was between their houses.

"Dude..." Alexis interrupted the silence. "My parents are going to KILL me..."

Lily glared back at Alexis, unsurprised by her announcement. "What did you do now, Lexi?"

"I kinda made a 28 on my biology quiz..."

Lily scoffed, "I didn't even think that was possible!!"

"Well, meet the girl who can," Alexis sang, joking away her irritation.

Lily playfully punched Lexi's arm. "You're right. You're parents will kill you when they learn of this."

"Yeah.." When they reached the end of the park, Lexi started walking away, but turned around to add, "I'll text you if they don't kill me first."

Lexi walked home, texting as many people as she could before she would surely get her phone taken away. She walked up to her front door, grabbing out her house keys, and froze. The door was never open... why was it open???

Her gut told her that it wasn't a good reason. She dropped her keys and pushed it open further. Upon not hearing any noise, she called out, "Mom??? Dad???"

Turning out of the front hallway to the living room, she gasped, covering her mouth instinctively.

The scene before her looked like something out of an action movie. The furniture was thrown everywhere, shatterd glass lay on the floor from picture frames, and the safe where Lexi knew her parents guns were kept was ajar.

She walked around the room, avoiding the glass, and stopped again when she spotted the blood. Once she saw some blood on the bookshelf, her eyes picked out other areas in the room where blood stained carpet, furniture, shards of glass. Little areas of blood, all confirming that a fight happened here.

She quickly walked out of the house and took out her phone to call the first name that showed up on her phone.


Lily wave bye to Alexis and ran home.

She walked inside and called out her usual, "Hey! I'm home!"

After no response, she glanced out the window to double check that she did, in fact, see her parents car outside. There it was, in it's usual place.

She wandered downstairs to the basement to see if her dad was down there, where he often was. As soon as she got far enough down the steps, she stumbled, seeing that the boat has fallen off of it's table, and her dad's tools were scattered everywhere.

A large amount of blood stained the side of the boat and the ground next to it.

She only had a few moments to process before her phone rang.


"Lily?!"Alexis almost shrieked into the phone, "Something is wrong! My parents are gone and the house is a wreck, and there's blood, and I dont know where they are!!! What if something happened to them?? you said your dad works with crimes, can't he help?!?!?"

"Lexi, calm down! My parents are gone too. The basement is..." Lily paused as she had to leave the basement. "I will be at your house in a minute, I can take you to my dad's work... His team can help us." She didn't wait for a response.

A few minutes later, Lily showed up in what Lexi could identify as Mr. Gibbs car, from the few times Lexi had seen him drop Lily off to school.

Lexi got in the car and gawked at Lily. "How are you driving? You only have your permit!"

She looked at Lily, face pale and solemn, "Mom always said I look older than I am... and this is an emergency."

After Lexi buckled, Lily began driving, following her phone's GPS to get to her parents' work.

"NCIS?" Lexi questioned. "Your dad works here? You never told be that!"

"Why would it matter?"

"Because, my parents both work here. That's so weird!"

"Huh... I wonder if they know each other."

Once they were inside, and the security team cleared them by calling for Abby's approval, Lily and Lexi made their way to the squadroom.

"Uncle Tim! Aunt Abby! We need help," Lily nearly cried. "Mom and Dad are missing. There's a mess in the basement, and blood, and I think they're in trouble... oh! And Lexi's parents, too. She says they work here, too..."

McGee, after catching his thoughts from the spiel Lily gave, looked at Alexis, "Who are your parents??"

Lexi looked at him and opened her dry mouth to speak, but her voice came out quieter than normal. "There names are..." her voice trailed off.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

She cleared my throat, seeming to grow pale with her nerves rising. "There names are Anthony and Ziva DiNozzo."

The whole room seemed to freeze. Abby took a step back, hand going to her mouth, and McGee and Lily's mouths dropped.

Lily was the first to regain her thoughts. "Wait, Uncle Tony and Aunt Ziva are your parents??? You never told me their names!"

Lexi shrugged. "You never asked -- wait, you know them???"

Abby stepped forward and out her hands on Lexi's shoulders before pulling her a hug.

Lexi stiffened, not sure why this stranger was hugging her. "Ummm..."

"Oh sorry," Abby stepped back. "I'm Abby. I work with your parents. I didn't even know they were married, much less PARENTS! How old are you???""

"I- I'm 15, how is this going to help our parents?"

Abby looked to McGee. He, still shocked, turned to his computer and began typing stuff. "We're gonna get a team out to your houses immediately. I don't know where they are or what happened, but we are going to Find Them."

Welcome, readers, to my story!

All my stories are usually written without a real plan in mind, so I'm sorry if they go a little crazy! I just tell stories how they appear in my mind.

So I hope you enjoy this one!

I so love when readers leave comments, so don't be afraid to leave one!

Happy Reading!
~Abi <3

A Multi-ship Story **in Editing*Where stories live. Discover now