Mafia Mischief: Chapter #1

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Present Day ~ August

It was late or perhaps early depending on who you were, but for one man it was most definitely late. He'd been at his desk from dawn until dusk and then some. It wasn't as though you could tell such a thing when you were inside the office because there was only one small window through which the outside world could ever hope to have any impact on the office as well as its occupants. When he had taken over as head honcho, he completely gutted the former architectural plan and had only the small window which would make it seem as though underground. Otherwise, the door was the only way in or out. For Złośliwy Lis it was as secure as it could be though he'd repeatedly told his security several times to deal with things that they were apparently not capable of noticing. Luckily Złośliwy Lis knew, and he had decided to handle his own security after a mishap with a Molotov cocktail.

When Złośliwy Lis had first taken over as the head honcho, he had made some changes. One of the things he did was to create an above ground business that would serve as their cover. Their company was standard and their prices fair. It was called Lunar Bytes and specialized in technological advances. The building was three stories high with black plate glass windows, solar panels on the roof that powered most if not all of their building, and if you were outside the building, you wouldn't be able to tell what was going on inside. That was exactly the goal when it was built per Złośliwy Lis's specifications. A tech geek's wet dream occupied the top floor where there was every kind of technology you could think of as well as some that had yet to be named. The second floor was basic office space, one half individual offices and the other various cubicles. The main floor had a lobby that contained a security station, a door that required identity verification to open, and a waiting area.

Usually, they did most of their sales online because the things they sold weren't exactly things that could be bought by your average joe. Yes, they were affordable to an extent but more often than not they were sought by fortune 500 companies looking to completely revamp their tech. Now while the business above ground was thriving, it was the underground activities that paid the most. The underground business that proved almost equally lucrative, was made up of a series of hallways that sat between several different rooms. There was a warehouse where they carried out various dealings with their merchandise. There were three rooms where the members bunked and another room for eating. The biggest and most secured room was the CEO office that Złośliwy Lis claimed and designed for himself. It was luxurious to say the least and looked to be owned by a multimillionaire. Złośliwy Lis wasn't hard pressed for money in the slightest and decided to go all out. Considering he spent most of his time in the office, it was fitting that it adhere to his standards.

As the head of the Chytre Wilki it was his moral duty and obligation to see that everything was accounted for. Not that he had morals to begin with. No, for Złośliwy Lis, morals were a simple footnote in life that he didn't have time for and thus his attention turned back to the papers he had been pouring over for the better half of two days. It was only then that the hairs on the back of his neck stood up when a slight chill hit him before he heard the creak of the window. He smoothly stood, before spinning and around brandishing his gun, only for his gaze to fall on a black cat. He raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and holstered his gun.

"Really need better security if a damn cat can get in," he huffed out in tired annoyance. He didn't bother with the cat as it was most likely a stray which he didn't care about. Morals be damned, but cute animals might be a weakness if he had a weakness.

The cat didn't seem to mind being ignored and simply sat on the sill of the window lazily stretching.

The man at the desk scoffed when he got to the last page. "Oh fuck this! ISAAC!!" he raised his voice using an octave and a tone that would not be ignored.

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