Start of something new

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We were walking down a road a little ways from where the store was. Columbus was telling a story about a zombie kill then Tallahassee said that it wasn't enough for 'Zombie kill of the week'. So Tal told a story he knew of a zombie kill.

"Wait, are you one of those guys that just likes to one up everybody else's story?" Col asked

"No, I knew a guy way worse at that than me" Tal awnsered and I smiled to myself

"Let's just find a car" Col said "Which reminds me, I've never had headaches like this till your ass came on over" Tal stated so I smiled and shook my head a little

"I mean, do what you want with a man but you do not FUCK with his Cadillac" Anger was slightly raising in Tallahassee again I could tell.

"Hey there's a nice miny van" Col said "Oh you know something that is nice, that's a beautiful van" Tal said before suddently throwing a rock at the window.

"Oh woah!" Col said and put a protective hand in front of me. I looked down at his hand and pushed it away then looked up at him, "Thanks but I'm fine" I said before sitting on the ground.

Tal grabbed a pipe on the ground and started smashing the other windows. He even got ON the car to finish the job. Once he was satisfied he hopped off the car and we all started walking again.

"Ohh, I think I pulled something" Tal said while kinda limping. He was talking to Col while I was just looking at the ground kicking a few rocks while walking.

When I finally looked up Tal had a smile on his face "Is it better to be smart or lucky" he looked at me and Col before walking off fast to somewhere in front of us.

Me and Col caught up to see a house with a yellow jeep. We both smiled at each other until Tal looked like he saw something inside. Col walked over to the car leaving me and the suitcase he was carrying in the road.

Tallahassee opened the driver door but instead of a zombie popping out Tal's shoulder's dropped in relief and he began chuckling.

He took out a rag he had and pryed the chopped of hands off the steering wheel. He turned the hand to col and put up the middle finger. "That's nice" Col said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes playfully.

Col checked the backseat while Tal surprisingly found the keys and the car luckily started. I dragged the suitcase over to the car and looked over Columbus's shoulder. "Woah" I said with wide eyes "Thank GOD for rednecks!" Tal said with a big smile.

"This, is a really big truck and these, are really big guns" said Tal while he loaded one of the guns. "Take your time" Col said and put his hands up while we both backed up a little.

Col had threw the suitcases in the trunk and got into the passenger seat and I sat in the backseat again which I really didn't mind.

I watched as Tal shot bullets in the air and he was laughing like a maniac. I thought to myself 'This guy seems cool & funny but maybe it's actually not such a good idea to stick with him.'

I turned back around when I saw Tal walking towards the driver seat. He opened the door opposite of me and put the gun away then closed the door. Instead of getting in yet he grabbed a tin of paint and drew something on the doors.

He finally got in the truck and sped off. *20 mins later* I was still in the backseat but I was laying down now. I am even more tired because I was already sleepy before the store than those selfish girls made us walk.

The car slowly came to a stop which made me slowly open my eyes and groan. I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to figure out what was going on. I quickly became aware that the old car was stopped in the middle of the road, but no girls to be seen.

*I made these lines up because I don't remember the actual ones*


"I don't see them anywhere, you?" Columbus asked Tallahassee "No...I'll go take a look around" Tal loaded his gun and was about to get out the car but I gently grabbed his shoulder. "Hey...Be careful, yea?" I said quietly and Tal smiled "Ye I know girly" he then got out.

We watched as Tal approached the vehicle and looked inside but found nothing. I got this strange gut feeling like something was wrong but I don't know what. I tried to shrug it off but couldn't so I got out the car and I saw a foot disappear to the other side of the car.

I heard the back door open slowly so I quickly climbed into the trunk and very slowly closed it to not make noise. I can't see anything but I could still hear, "Don't do anything stupid and don't say anything to him" little rock said.

'Oh yea great idea, send the literal child to deal with 3 adults' I thought. I heard the door open and knew it was Tal "Look's like they hooked it, probably headed west, just drive slow and keep your eyes pealed" Tal closed the door and it got quiet.

I peaked over the seat and saw little rock crouched behind Col's seat & she grabbed Tal's gun from the weapons bag. I shook my head and saw Tal and Col look at each other "Their in the back aren't they?" Tal asked with a defeated look.

"Just me" Little rock popped up and pointed the gun at Tal. "I'm really sorry, she was like a-a crouching tiger" Col said. "You got taken hostage by a 12 year old?" Tal asked "Well girls mature faster than boys, She's way ahead of what I was at that age" Col responded.

"12's the new 20, gun please" little rock said "like you would ever use tha-" Tal was interrupted by Little rock shooting in the air close to his head.

We all flinched then Tal yelled "DON'T KILL ME WITH MY OWN GUN!" I had to put a hand over my mouth to hold in my laugh, I know now was no laughing matter but I couldn't help it when he said sum like that.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "All those violent video games" She said. 'She's got a good point' I thought. "Thank you" She said as she took the gun from Tal. "I understand you because your dumb" Tal looked at Col "But how the hell did ya not notice her Vip-" Tal turned to look at me but was suprised to not see me.

I ducked down before he could see me because I didn't want him to notice me and give my spot away. "Wait, where the hell is-" before Tal could finish I popped out and pointed my gun at her. "Your right Col girls are smarter than boys, but this little girl isn't as smart as me."

The boys looked at me both suprised & impressed. Little rock spun around but I grabbed the gun from her hands and I was pointing my pistol at her. "Call your sister out but don't even try to tell her I'm back here or I will shoot you through the seat" I ducked back down.

She sighed before saying "Honk your horn" which Col did and Witchita came out. "Oh, there's your sister, great" Col said sarcastically. Once she got to the truck he rolled down the window "Oo, Bummer" he unbuckled his seat belt. "Now step away from the vehicle" she opened the door.

I chuckled quietly in the back. She got in the drivers seat but let Col stay in the passenger seat and told Tal to get in the back seat which he did. "Where'd your little girl friend go?" She asked Tal. "Right here" I mimicked little rock, I popped out & pointed the gun at the little girl.

Wichita sighed and leaned her head back onto the seat.
Tal was smirking, I handed him his gun & jumped over into the back. "Alright, we can go now" I said in a joking tone with a smile on my face.

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