Not a very Merry X-mas

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We've been on the road together for 7 years now, Occasionally finding houses to stay at but we only last at most 3 days before freaks find us and we have to start moving again.

About a month after we left Pacific Playland the Car broke down and we had to ditch it.

4 months ago we were all talking about where to go next when Col had brought up the idea of going to Washington D.C. for the white house. Everybody agreed and so we were on our way.

*Present day*

We're right in front of the white house but there's like 2 dozen zombies spread around.

"Nothing we can't handle right?" I looked up and smiled at Tal.

He looked back at me grinning then we all started walking closer. Soon enough we were all taking out zombies with our guns. Well except for Tallahassee, he of course had to add extra flair by using a crowbar and even body slamming a few freaks.

Once they were all dead we continued walking towards the building. Tallahassee of course kicked the door open once we got there.

"Hail to the mother fucking chief" he said as he leaned the crowbar over his shoulder.

Tal led us to the Oval room which then he immediately sat in the chair and put his feet up on the desk. He also took out a cigar he had found a couple days back.

"Casa blaca"

"Wait..why does he get to be president?" Little rock said

"Well I think I would've made a damn fine president y'know kiss a few hands, shake a few babies"

"Isn't it the other way around" I said while laughing.

"You would've brought a real dignity to the office" Wichita said

"Thank you" Tal smiled

"You don't have what it takes" she said

"And I figure you don't feel up to it, I'll be president" She glanced at me then back to Tal.

He responded with a short laugh and a 'Your kidding me' face expression.

"And I nominate little rock as my VP" Col looked at her a little offended.

"So that means I get to be president, if you get killed by zombies" Little rock said with a big grin.

"Pfft-" I laughed and walked over to Tal's side.

"That..wasn't was I was thinking when I offered you the position, but technically, yes"

After about 10 minutes of exploring the others had found 4 scooters.

"Cool!" Little rock said while quickly grabbing one

"Ah..well ain't that suck" Tal said with his hands on his hips.

"You can go ahead and ride, I don't mind" Col generously offered.

"No you go ahead, I don't want to ride it anyway" I smiled and started walking towards the stairs.

"Oh come on hunny have some fun!" Tal yelled to me but I was already halfway up the stairs.

"Later when y'all find something else to do, I'm not a scooter person!"

I walked around upstairs, looking through the closets/drawers that the others didn't check. I heard laughter downstairs so I smiled to myself.

We all had grown a lot of trust in each other and of course grew very close over the years.

Me and Tal didn't need years, we become very close since the day we both got together at Pacific playland. Even before that I had a lot of trust in him.

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