This can't be good

611 8 0

*sheets rustling*

"Mm.." I hummed and hugged my pillow tighter

Something tapped my leg 2 times making me open my eyes.

"Wake up. My little blue suede baby. It's now or never"

Tal was standing on the bed looking down at me with Elvis's costume, wig and sunglasses on.

I looked up at him and chuckled.

"My friends said you were sleeping like a tired pup" he smiled down at me but then quickly looked at the door.

"Huh?" He said as we both heard a musical horn outside then a loud crunching sound

I looked at the door too and sat up, holding the blanket over my chest. He took off his glasses, still looking at the door.

"What the fuck?" he jumped off the bed and ran out the room.

I quickly jumped out of bed and put my underwear on then threw on my hoodie before running...ok limping, out of the room.

I walked downstairs, tripping in the process but caught myself and put my hands on the door way to peek out.

"This is not fucking happening! Hey motherfucker, that's my ride!" Tallahassee yelled to the man getting out of the monster truck that smashed the beast and was still on top of it.

"Oho my apologies tiny elvis just didn't expect anything to be parked in my driveway!" The man yelled

"Your driveway??" Tell shouted

"That's right. My driveway" the man said after hopping off of the truck's back tire

Col stood next to me now, holding his shotgun.

"That's funny, when I parked in it nobody told me to pull out" Tal said as the man walked closer to him

"What the hell's happening?" Col asked

"I'm guessing this dude lives here but he crushed the beast so now him and Tal are arguing" I said while still looking at the men

"Uh actually it's my driveway" Nevada crossed her arms as the man stood in front of Tal

"Hey Nevada" He nodded his head to her then looked back at Tallahasse

"But see, when I'm in town..I use it" He said

"Alright, well we was just leaving, but you crushed my damn ride now" Tal put his hands on his hips

Col joined the others, standing next to Witchita now. I was still leaning on the door, watching the whole thing go down.

"Keep talking like this and I can arrange where your not allowed back here and your not allowed to use my driveway again" Nevada pointed to Tallahassee then to the man

I walked closer to the others, now leaning on the porch rail.

"I don't think she and him are talking about the actual driveway" Col looked at Witchita while pointing to the man and Nevada

"Mm no. I don't think so" Witchita said

Both Tal and the guy were talking at the same time saying, not the same, but similar things.

"Is it just me or does he kind of remind you of-" Col was saying while pointing at the guy then to Tal

"Yeah, it's weird" Witchita said, interrupting Columbus

"I don't like you" both the boys said at the same time

"Yeah your definitely right.. it's weird" I said while staring at the man

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