We're not ready..I'm not ready

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"I think I'm pregnant..."

"WHAT?!?!" She said, now her face turned white

"I-I don't know for sure, that's why.." I pointed to the store

"Omg..w-when did you find out- or I mean you..put the peice's together? Idk" she said, panicked

"When I walked out of the porta potty" I said

"Jesus I..a-are you having symptoms?"

"Well I've been throwing up a lot and-"

"How you've been restless" she finished my sentence

"And I was supposed to start my period yesterday but I haven't yet" I said while fiddling with my fingers

"Holy shit..o-okay come on lets get inside" she started walking to one of the stores

I pulled my knife holster out of my hoodie pocket and clipped it to my thigh.

"Let's hope there's not z's, or T-800's" Witchita said

"Don't jinx us" I said then pulled my knife out

"You hid your weapons?" She asked

"I don't trust them and it's good I didn't they would've melted them"

She chuckled and shook her head then opened the door

I tapped my knife against the door frame then we waited. No z's came out so we both walked in

I went straight to the feminine hygiene section and started looking

"Dammit..nothing" I said, looking at the empty, broken shelves

"Ok. Next store" she started walking out

We entered the new store and there were 2 Z's so I killed them with my knife

Witchita started browsing and I went straight to the feminine section again.

"Ugh dammit" I kicked one of the shelves then it fell to the ground

I crouched down and held the back of my head, gripping my hair. Tears started forming in my eyes and a million thoughts were going through my head.

'Please let the next store have one. Who even takes pregnancy tests during a zombie apocalypse??.....oh wait'

I quickly stood up and stormed off to find Witchita.

'Where is she?' I thought

I had searched almost the whole store and I couldn't find her anywhere.

Just as I started panicking I bumped into something.

"Viper?" Witchita asked

"Witchita! You scared me, where were you?!" I asked

"Sorry I went looking around for supplies" she said

I noticed that she was holding a plastic bag in her hand with something inside.

"What's that?" I pointed to the bag

"Oh uh, just some clothes I found"

"Any luck with the test?" She changed the subject

"No" I shook my head

"Well let's hope theirs some at the next store" she started walking away

"How is there not 1 single test? We checked 2 stores there can't be that many pregnant women" I said following her

"Maybe the girl z's are taking them" she joked

I stared at her with an annoyed expression and crossed my arms.

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