Miracles do come true

359 7 6

"C'mon wake up.." A very muffled voice said

"Please be ok.."

Like I was underwater..I could barley hear.

I groaned and stirred in my sleep then slighty opened my eyes.

My eyes started rolling in the back of my head though from dizziness so I quickly closed them again.

"*Gasp* Vi? Are you awake?? Are you a zombie?"

"*Groans* W-what?"

"Tallahassee! She's awake!"

I hissed and lifted my left hand up to my left ear

"Oh shit Sorry"

I fluttered my eyes opened and actually was able to keep them open a little.


"Hey" she grinned at me with tears in her eyes

"W-what happened. Where are we?"

Just then Tallahassee barged into the room.

"Oh my god. Sweetheart your awake!" He grinned and kneeled by me next to Rocky

"H-hey" I smiled

"Your n-not mad at me?" I ask

"No no of course not hun. I'm so sorry for being so mean. Let's talk about this later ok?"

I slowly nodded my head

"I'll let you two have some time alone" Rocky said and stood up

She leaned over and gently hugged me then left the room.

"What happened?"

He frowned and gulped as a few tears ran down his face.

"Sweetie..you scared the shit out of me. Y-you were asleep for 2 and a half days"

"R-really??" My eyebrows furrowed

"You lost a lot of blood a-and you were severely dehydrated"

I looked up at the roof and closed my eyes. But then I remembered

"*Gasp* Oh my god what-" I tried to sit up quickly but It stung bad.

I groaned in pain and Tal quickly put his hands on my shoulders to steady me

"Woah woah take it easy your still healing"

"T-the baby! Is the baby ok?"

"We- we don't know for sure but we think so. The wood just barely stabbed your side. We figured it wasn't close enough to the middle of your stomach or the baby"

I sighed and laid back down and a tear fell down the side of my face.

"Only time will tell.." He says

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