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This story is set around the time of the 1.1 Unreconciled Stars event. The story will stray off the actual canon storyline to pursue a plot of its own.

Unfortunately, I hadn't joined Genshin at the time of the event and had to watch some playthroughs. I have tried, and will continue to keep the lore as accurate as possible.


This fic contains mentions of:

- Blood and injuries
- Alcoholism
- Manipulation
- Torture
- Brainwashing
- Indoctrination
- Mind control
- Abuse of power

Please be cautious when reading! These above warnings will be reiterated at the beginning of chapters when prominent. Most are mild, but worth mentioning.


This is a fic I decided to write purely to practice my writing skills. This whole work was done to practice how I could write a plot driven story rather than a character driven story.

This fic was to let myself gauge how difficult it would be to plan different characters and the difficulties of writing full chapters - this is the first time I've done anything like this and the chapters will be much shorter than ones you'll have read before!

The writing vocabulary and overall standard will remain somewhat low grade, whatever side projects I'm working on will be the real deal


Please keep in mind that it definitely won't be of high standard as I'm mainly using this to navigate through any weaknesses and difficulties I may have when writing!

I wrote this all on Google Docs and it was an absolute nightmare to transfer because the paragraphing and line spacing works differently when I pasted it here. If there's an inconsistency in my layout please tell me.

Please feel free to point out any typos or errors I may have made! Constructive critisism is welcome :)
Thank you!


TL;DR: I wrote this fic as a practice for writing an actual novel when I'm older. This story will likely be an absolute wreck since this is purely for experimentation because my thirteen year old ass couldn't write for shit.

If you like Kamisato Ayato please check out my new fic on my profile, or head to my AO3 account under the same username :) my work has definitely improved i swear

Bonus points if you've actually read all of my rambling.

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