Chapter 9: What the Skies Conceal, Water Reveals

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"The only mountain or icy place I can think of is Dragonspine. Or Snezhnaya. But it couldn't have been Dragonspine. I've been there a few times and I haven't seen anything like it." you said aloud.

Your group had split up and interrogated the rest of the woken villagers. When you regrouped, the results yielded were all the same - a cold, icy mountain.

"Strange. I don't know why anybody would dream of that," Mona responded. "I can try and use my scryglass."

Mona summoned a Hydromancy circle, full of symbols and constellations. She tapped on it, twisted it, and then stood still for a moment, presumably lost in thought. "Hm, that's strange. My scryglass goes foggy whenever I try to look into this area. I can't see naught out of this."

"Perhaps now is a good time for you to divulge exactly what you saw in your dream, Y/N." Oz said.

"I dreamt of the same thing. It was just a path. And then a mountain. And I kept walking along the path. When the path ended, I pulled myself up over ledges. It was like somebody was forcing me to keep moving. I couldn't see anything else because the snow was so thick. And it was cold. So cold."

"Was there anything of significance, other than that?"

"The whole mountain began to shake. And I fell. And then I woke up."

"Perhaps the outside world can influence what goes on in the dream." Mona looked thoughtful.

"This man came up to us while you were out. He claimed he knew how to free you when we explained the situation to him." Oz said.

"What did he do?"

"Maybe the mountain shaking was us. Oz and I tried to replicate what you did, but it just wasn't strong enough. When the man tried, there was a blinding light and then it was over. And you woke up."

"He seared half the meteorites in the pile. He said he didn't have a choice if we didn't know which ones you had touched."

"Can you describe him? And where is he now?"

"Hm, short black-purple hair, short male, and this large hat with a veil. I didn't get a good look at him since we were all in a panic. I would have done a reading on him but he left soon after. Said he had some other business to do."

Scaramouche had...saved you...? Maybe he wasn't all that bad - maybe you were just overthinking things.

"I can try another reading somewhere else. Open space and clear sky would be the best conditions." And so you and your group left the village, in search of a place Mona deemed acceptable.


"Wide open space, clear sky, and smooth ley line flow. This place should do the trick." Mona looked around.

"'Tis a pity that one's Auge der Verurteilung has not yet regained the strength it lost during my transitioning to this world. Else one would have gladly stepped in to peer between the threads of fate."

"I shall now begin the process of Hydromancy. Please step back and do not impede my vision."

Mona once again summoned a Hydromancy circle. Again, she tinkered with it before it started to twist and turn on its own accord.

"O astral emissary! Have thine eyes now discerned the secret of the stars?"

"I've never seen anything like this before. The divination reads that the meteorites came from somebody's constellation."

"A constellation?" You echoed.

"The Stella Fortuna - or the stars that make up a constellation - are genuine celestial bodies somewhere in the depths of space," Mona explained, before shaking her head. "What puzzles me most is why they would suddenly all turn into meteorites and fall from the sky. I will need some time to give you a more concrete answer."

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