Chapter 32: First Time For Everything

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𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝚜𝚝
Parker POV

It's no secret that these annual October parties are a big deal in my school, especially for the seniors—AKA the people who make such a big deal out of these parties in the first place.

My graduating class is one of the biggest class size that our high school has seen in over a decade, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when Miles pulls the Audi into Josh's neighborhood and the curbs near his house are packed. There's a strong chance that there's a mixture of juniors, sophomores, and freshmen here, too. Seriously, there is more people here tonight than there was last year, and that's saying something.

"Remind me, why do we attend these things again?" I ask Miles and lean forward to see the beach house better, the seatbelt straining against my chest.

"Because we are social people trying to get into the school spirit! I thought I turned you into a party animal last year?" Miles reaches his hand over and ruffles my hair.

I scoff and swat him away as I retreat back into the seat to avoid his touch. "You just said it yourself: you thought."

"Wow." Miles laughs. "Lighten up, kid. You'll have more fun then you'll know what to do with. Even better, this is our first legit party as a couple!"

He looks over at me with a smile before bringing the car to a stop. He slides it into reverse and uses one hand on the wheel to back up into an open spot on the curb, resting his other hand on the headrest on my seat to look over his shoulder. The scent of his cologne is a welcome smell, and I try not to be obvious with my inhale.

It's a basic gesture, but with the way Miles makes it look, I'd be happy to park this car in the back of a dark parking lot instead of being here.

"That's fair enough. And, to top that, it is our one year anniversary of meeting. We should celebrate accordingly." I match his grin and grab the same headrest that he lets go of, taking a second to stretch and let my spine pop.

"Now you're speaking my language. Me gusta la forma en que piensas." Miles puts the car in park and unbuckles before resting one elbow on the center console. He leans over to slide his other hand under the hem of my shirt with that same, infuriatingly charming smile on his face. The way his eyes drop over my body makes me blush.

"You know that I can't understand you," I say matter-of-factly and lean into his touch. I meet him halfway and grab one side of his jaw to steal a kiss.

Miles kisses me back and gives my abdomen a good smack, which makes me laugh. "I know, but I do know that you love it. C'mon, let's go get fucked up."

With that being clarified, Miles winks at me, which sends another prompt heatwave through my body as he hops out. I roll my eyes at his words, although, he's not wrong at all.

The Audi locks and chirps once I'm out. As I walk around the hood, I hold out my hand to Miles. "Keys?"

"Mm-mm. Nope, I'm not drinking tonight," Miles says and takes my hand instead. He laces our fingers and promptly pulls me to his side.

I feign a gasp and nudge my elbow into his ribs. "You? Not drinking? Do we need to talk about something before we go inside?"

Miles laughs and shakes his head. He tightens his hold on me and walks faster to get us out of the street and onto the sidewalk as another cars headlights turn onto the corner up ahead. "Nah. I thought I'd try to stay somewhat sober tonight. Besides, I have no reason to drown my sorrows anymore," he says with the dramatics of a theater kid, going as far to use his free hand to rest it against his forehead like a forlorn housewife.

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