Authors Note

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I feel like I need to preface this note with this statement: I'm not gay, or even really bisexual. Lol.

I know that this opening paragraph came out of the blue, but bear with me here!! 💀

I've never felt the urge or the call to write about a queer couple, especially because it's not the environment I grew up in. I spent most of my life happily ignoring that part of humanity.

That was until one day, around 2017-2018, my brain whispered: Miles. Parker. Boyfriends. Football. Disgustingly sad ending. Good luck.

You can probably image my shock at the idea of this story, but here's the thing:

Once I get an INKLING of a plot line in my heart, it's like a bullet leaving a chamber. I can't stop planning, plotting, and writing until a story is done.

This idea came to me around the time that the LGBTQ+ community was really getting their voice heard, and I felt like an imposter writing this story when I didn't fall in any of those categories.

But, I noticed a common theme with that community. It was a theme of fear, desperation, and a type of anxiety. Now, please don't get me wrong, I understand that some folks have no issues with their preference in partner, but more often than not I heard about people who were scared shitless to come to terms with themselves.

I guess my point is, I made this story to help bring some of those emotions into the light.

It's difficult for me to put all of my thoughts into words right now, but I have always felt this suffocating need to help people. So, whether you gained confidence from some of the characters in this story, found solace in a certain chapter, or kept going in your personal life to wait for a new chapter to come out, I hope these boys helped you, too.

I have spent literal hours scrolling through Pinterest to find the right aesthetics and information to make this story come to life. I've been awake until ungodly hours of the night to pound out one. more. chapter. I have gotten mad and deleted Wattpad for nearly six months because I couldn't stand how the story was coming across. I've googled more information than I care to admit, and I've stared at the blank screen, waiting for the right words to come.

Behind the story, I'm a real person in a small town that drags myself through shitty days for one chance to write for twenty minutes before bed.

These boys, this story, has been branded into my brain.

I've spent so much time with Parker, Miles, and Griffin outside of these chapters that I feel like I'm losing a limb now that their story has come to a close.

(although, let's be honest: I'll definitely be revisiting these books to rewrite some chapters and fix things up because that's just who I am hahahah)

Truthfully, I'm mourning the end of them because they mean so much to me.

Outside of them, I'm equally as grateful for the people this book has reached. I am grateful for YOU.

It's always daunting to release your personal world into the real world, and by the grace of God, this story has found an incredible audience.

You, as a devoted reader and fan, have kept me going.

Either way this story would've been finished at some point, but it's everyone's support that has made me finish it as quickly as I did. The knowledge of knowing there are people out there, fiddling their thumbs and checking their phone for a new chapter, is absolutely mind-blowing to me.

My heart has swelled with every single vote. I've spent more time laughing at comments then I care to admit, and I even appreciate the people who have left thought provoking comments because they get me thinking and make me a better author.

Whether you hate Parker's guts or love him, whether you appreciate Griffins insight or loathe every curse word that flies from his mouth, or whether you're as obsessed with Miles as his boyfriend or hate him as much as Luke, I appreciate you.

These two books are dedicated to everybody.

It's dedicated to those who live in a privileged family but can't understand why they're just so drained all of the time. It goes out to those who are comfortable in their life but feel this insatiable need for change. It's for the people who are terrified to make the leap. It's for those who are hopelessly in love, and those who hope they never fall in love. It's for those who are too afraid to speak up, in fear their voice won't be heard. It's for those who are so angry towards their friends and family that they could explode. It's for the people who need a shoulder to cry on, or who desperately need one good friend to take them by the shoulders and give them a good shake. It's for those who think they're unfixable.

It's for you.

All of my time, dedication, love, heart, and soul was poured into these characters, and consequently, into you.

I'm grateful for all of the lessons that this duology has brought me, and honestly, I'm ecstatic for the future! This definitely is NOT the end of killer stories from me. I can't wait to release more worlds, plots, and wacky characters.

With all of that being said, know that Parker, Miles, Griffin, Roselyn, Forrest, Greyson, Hollie, Emmett, Quinn, Hannah, Kendric, Josh, Atlas, and the rest of the crew is here for you whenever you need them.

We're all rooting for you—especially me.

My DM's are always open. This story will always be ready for you again.

Also, if you'd like to read more of my works, I am currently writing a new romance/YA/smutish novel called Skate Through My Heart, so if your prepared to ugly-cry over more fictional characters, you can find that story on my profile!

All of my blessings friends,


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