Chapter 27: Miles & Kilometers

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𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟸𝟼𝚝𝚑
Griffin POV

There aren't a lot of people that I find myself grateful for, and there's a lot that have lost that place in my mind over the years, but the one person who's always stayed at the top of the list is my twin sister.

Roselyn is ditzy at best and lost in her own little world the majority of the time, but she's been the only person to stay next to my side during thick and thin. She instinctively knows when it's time to pick me up off of the ground and push me forward, and when it's time to hold her hands up and watch me run the race by myself.

She was usually the one that took care of me and fed me soup when I got sick, especially when both of our parents have always worked crazy hours. She's the one who tells me that's enough sugar or that's enough to drink. She has always known what's best.

That's why when she burst in my room an hour ago and said, "Get up! We're going to the beach!," I dragged my ass out of bed and limped out to her car. She knew what I needed before I did.

Sometimes I hate Forrest because he doesn't seem to love and appreciate her enough.

Roselyn even remembered to pack two folding chairs so that I wouldn't have to get down and up from the sand, along with her usual assortment of healthy snacks.

I toss a grape in my mouth now as we watch the Pacific Ocean roll and slide across the coast together. The sun is beginning to touch the horizon and there's something about the angle of the Earth tonight that's making the sky erupt in a million different shades of pink and orange. Huge, fluffy cumulus clouds gather at the farthest edge of the sky. I'm not a sentimental guy, however this view is breathtaking. I'm pretty sure that I had a dream like this when I almost died.

"I wish that I could be here forever," Roselyn says quietly. I hardly hear her over the roar of the ocean.

I nod in agreement and use a finger to push the sunglasses further up on my nose. "You'd definitely want Forrest in this chair instead of me."

Roselyn laughs and flicks a grape at me. "Can't you be normal and just agree with me? Of course I want Forrest here but I also want to spend time with my brother. Especially before school starts in a few days."

I watch the grape fly past my face and land a few yards away in the sand, on the other side of the chair. If I had two working legs, I'd retrieve it to throw the grape and a fist full of sand back at her. "Yeah, don't remind me. I'm trying to forget about that shit. I don't know how it's possible that this summer was one of the shortest yet also the longest one of my life."

"It was probably short up until the accident, then immediately became long," Roselyn suggests and tucks hair behind both ears. She stretches out her legs and wiggles her toes deeper in the sand.

"Yep. That about sums it up," I grumble and knock my fist against the cast.

"How much longer until you get out of that thing?"

"About a month. I start physical therapy in October and they'll upgrade me to a lighter cast. It'll act more like a heavy duty brace, they said." I scratch behind my neck and watch a few seagulls dive bomb the white caps. "As long as I can take it off at night and sleep comfortably on my side again, I don't really care what the thing looks like."

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