Chapter 22: Lightening The Mood

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𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟸𝟸𝚗𝚍
Parker POV

"Fore! Clear the course, I'm coming through!" Miles shouts and runs down the side of the pool, hops up onto the diving board, gets in one good bounce and jumps off. He manages to squeeze in one full front flip before cannon balling into the water.

I laugh at the splash that he makes and put my back to the spray of water that flies.

He resurfaces and shakes his curls out like a dog, then cheeses and backstrokes towards me. The moonlight and faint blue light from the under glow in the pool cuts across his muscles like a knife, showing off every edge and crevice.

"What was the score on that one?" He asks.

Humming, I slowly cut through the water and meet Miles halfway. He's still smiling, his teeth white against the contrast of his skin.

"I'd say a solid eight. Just because your right foot slipped on the take off," I note and tilt my head to the side as he rolls over to face me and tread water. His curls drip. Droplets create ripples on the surface of the pool.

"Tough crowd tonight. I slipped, alright? Cut me some slack." Miles laughs and splashes me.

I grin and splash him back. "Fuck off, you're the one who asked!"

"Hey, swear jar! Cheeky bastard!" With that, Miles jumps forward and dunks me underwater. My laughter is cut off with one final gulp of air.

All I can think of as I go underwater with his hands holding me down is, I love him. Those three words are a song that sometimes fades in the background or gets lost among the chaos of the noise that comes with every day, but it's still always there. Tonight though, I'm happy to bask in the clear beat of the music.

With all of the shit that's been going on recently, we both agreed that we needed one night to each other with no distractions. No Kenya, no parents, no friends, no worrying about Griffin. Just a few hours to reconnect and rekindle.

I sputter for air as I break above the surface and point a finger at him. "Oh, it's on."

"Is it? Huh?" Miles lips quirk as he slowly paddles forward. The look in his eyes makes my cheeks burn.

"Miles, I'm gonna—" I cut off as he sinks under the water and darts forward. His swimming ability always slips my mind until the moments like this. I know better than to kick out or swim away; he's as agile under the water as he is above it.

Instead, I hold my breath and trust that he won't do anything stupid as his dark forms approaches. I see him only because of the under glow lights. He slides one hand up my left leg, and uses his teeth to bite my right thigh.

Gasping, I laugh and reach underwater to grab his hair as a warning. "Hey, chill, my parents are still home!"

It's hard to say whether Miles actually heard me or not, but at least he stops testing that boundary. He drags his lips up my leg and abdomen as he takes his sweet time resurfacing. When he breaks the surface, he takes a moment to inhale before giving me a kiss.

"You lost that fighting passion real quick," Miles teases and kisses my cheek.

"Shut up. One of these days I'll kick your ass," I reply and wrap my hands around his neck. My thumb brushes over the hairs behind his neck and I rub them. He shivers from the sensation, which gets a smile from me.

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