Chapter 31: "Study Buddy"

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𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿𝚝𝚑
Griffin POV

If people had stepped out of my way before the accident, now they practically jump out of the way.

I refuse to be one of those weird, injured kids who slinks through the hallways like a ghost. No one will catch me tapping on shoulders, mumbling, excuse me, or waiting for an opening in the crowds.

Instead, once lunch ends and I've regathered my backpack, I straighten my spine, shuffle the cane in my right hand, and take off.

The rhythmic click of the cane hitting the ground gives everybody enough of a warning. Boys and girls alike scurry to hit the walls, their eyes tracking me as if I'm a black bear. One boy isn't lucky enough to move out of my path, so I have no issue jamming the end of the cane down onto his toe.

He yelps and levitates in the air for a moment before whirling around, his eyes ablaze. "Hey! Dude, what the f—... um, sorry, Griffin," he babbles and lowers his chin as he limps after his buddies, favoring his stubbed foot.

"Watch your fucking step next time," I retort and cast him a cold glare as I keep limping down the hall myself.

The anger I feel towards that boy's stupidity is overridden with satisfaction.

I may be crippled, but these fools still consider me a threat.

Truthfully, I did not need to put as much weight on that kid's foot as I did. I have been doing simple, easy strengthening exercises every night at home, especially after that episode I had in the bathroom a little over a week ago. I've been taking the medication the doctor prescribed and using the cane more than I ever used the crutches. Aside from the usual pins and needles, my knee has had no significant pain over the past week. It will start to ache if I cut out the cane completely, except I've been relying on it like a thumb ever since Ira gave it to me.

This is weird to admit, but I'm actually feeling pretty damn good.

I don't think I'll ever be as happy as I was this time last year. On the other hand, at least I'm not as bitter as I was two months ago. I'm okay with being somewhere in the middle.

Up ahead, coming around the corner, I recognize the puny little Mexican boy that's been spending a scarily weird amount of time near Parker during lunch. His name is some sort of sliced meat that I don't care enough to remember. Or, it might be a kid's toy. Rubik?

I don't know him well, yet he pretends to know me. I see it in the way his eyes light up when he approaches. He tilts his chin up, the black wave of hair on his head flopping back. I've spent enough time around my sister to know he brushed and blow-dried it this morning.

"What's up, Griffin?" He asks, eyes shining. The way he checks me out makes me scoff audibly.

"Fuck off," I reply and keep walking.

Parker and Miles emit enough gay vibes for the entire west coast. The last thing I need to be is associated with another member of that cult.

By the time I make it to the other side of the school for science class, the warning bell rings shrilly. The sound of the cane hitting the tile floor echoes down the empty hallway until I slip into class.

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