~10~ Reflection of lost time

411 17 4

Word count: 2488

~~~ Tuesday, October 12th ~~~
((Y/n)'s pov)


"Come on, Corin, we can't be late!" My raised, yet kind tone wanted to echo across the dorm room.

It was a bright start to a fresh day - a reason to be as joyful as the gentle sunshine streaming in from the open curtained windows. A calling to join the careful breeze in adventure.

Two bowls are placed down on the counter - a song taking place in my head as I hum a tune to pass the time - grabbing spoons which were tempting to drum across the counter, and a random, colorful box of breakfast.

My semi-long (h/c) hair was done up in a messy, yet collected half-bun, most strands falling out into a spiky ponytail like the bangs that swept beside my features.
My frame was dressed in rather simple attire, dark blue pants accompanying a tucked in white tank top and a solid colored, soft, mint green flannel shirt tied into a bunny knot in the front, while its sleeves were neatly rolled back to my elbows. A few thin bracelets and discarded black hair bands took residence on my wrist - a calm collection of everyday wear all brought together with the thin brace hugging my left ankle.

'Not too much longer. One- no, maybe two more weeks?'
I shake my leg with a small smile, lifting my gaze.
"Corin, come on sleepyhead!" I tease in rough toned words, the door to our room opening moments later to reveal a sleepily dressed female exiting the room in a long-sleeved white shirt, and sheer, lavender over-shirt that hung off one of her shoulders.
"I told-"

"Don't." She lifts her hand, waving it to no one in particular and I chuckle as she sluggishly sits down at the counter.
"You're making me have cereal?" She asks over the symphony of dry food hitting the glass surfaced containers and I nod, turning to grab the milk from the small fridge.

"I would've had time to make something a little more fancy," I respond and the female purses her lips in thought before shoving the spoon inside the bowl with a connecting 'clink.'
"however, I was quite busy with my task of waking the dead. Maybe if you hurry you can have peanut butter toast."

She brushes off my humor and I sit down next to her.

"And let me guess...insert reason here to be optimistic and look at the brightside." She grumbles and I hold back a small laugh.

"I mean you don't technically need any specific reason-"

She groans with a mouth full of food and I bring a hand up to my lips.

"You're killin' me with the brightside talk today. Why are you so chipper on a school-day- and when exactly did you become crazy enough to like this cursed eight hours of the day?" She lets her wrist fall, seeming too tired to glare out the window, and glances at me before digging into her bowl once more.
"In fact I remember you telling me you really disliked highschool. Though I can't quite remember the reason why?"

I hum - taking a few more bites of my food before standing as if guilty for a crime not committed...my frame stopping by the small sink.

The bowl is rinsed clean - the brunette's eyes finding my back and her eyes narrow in thought.

"You ok?"

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