Chapter 23

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We will have to fight.

I make us stop, knowing the extra exertion of getting away only to run back and fight will not help Clarke's condition.

"We have to go back," I murmur, knowing both of them can hear me.

"Why? Do you think there are others trapped there?" Clarke questions. She is slightly slurring her words. I hope it is from exhaustion.

"No. We will not be able to outrun them. If we fight them, which I believe is inevitable; we must take down their communications so they cannot call for help and backup."

Octavia groans. "I hate it when you make sense."

"When do I not?"


"Hey," Clarke's arm tightens around my shoulders. "Shut up, let's go back."

I nod and I hear Octavia snort, though she is polite enough to attempt to cover it up with a cough, yet fails miserably. On any other day, I would be more than happy to get into a heated argument with her, but Clarke is hurt. And she may have to fight alongside us.

"Will you be alright to fight? I wish I do not have to ask, but we may need you." I say quietly to Clarke.

"I may be injured, but I can still kick ass. How many of them are there again? I never counted," Clarke admits, sounding a little sheepish.

"A hundred and twelve," I respond grimly. This is a fifty person task, not a three person with one of them injured task. This may be damn near impossible.

I feel a familiar thrumming in my veins I recognize as adrenaline. I have not felt this strong in a long time, if ever. The last time I was anywhere near this angry, this full of adrenaline, I was trying to get to Costia. But it was not like this. I am on a new level of pissed off at those soldiers.

We head back to see a soldier that is staring right at us (me) with a terrified expression I know well. He fumbles for a second before pulling out a small metal thing. He puts it into his mouth and blows. A loud, piercing sound goes out and I know it is to alert his comrades.

"That's a whistle," Clarke whispers to me.

I acknowledge her response with a tight lipped grin that probably scared the poor soldier even more. I hand Clarke my extra weapon. "Can you stand on your own?"

"Yup," she lets go and wobbles on her feet. "I'm too damn stubborn to go out without a fight, Lexa. Let's do this."

I rush the soldier and slice his neck before he can fully pull out his weapon. Blood spurts and he crumples to the ground.

I move forward and bark, "Octavia, communications."

She does not question me and rushes off into the camp. I shoot once last glance over my shoulder to see Clarke making her way towards me. I wait for her, and I always will.

We walk into the battlefield together.

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