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"what's the point if she's not here anymore?"




You felt your spine shiver.

It was a rare occurrence where you felt.. scared. You were seated inside the police station, your head hung low. You stared down at your hands, noticing how often it would twitch at the slightest sound of footsteps and voices. Clenching your fist, you furrowed your eye brows. Was this the kind of thing you deserved?

A while ago, you were at school, skipping classes like you normally would. You were with Balladeer, your friend who was around the same age as you and a member of the Fatui Harbingers, like you. You tried to recall few memories. You remember.. you were having a conversation with him, but then after that, everything seemed to be a missing piece of a puzzle.

When the police had interrogated you, you refused to say anything about what happened. So after about three hours, they gave up and decided to call your guardian.

Your parents were gone by the time you were already standing on your feet. You suppose that they decided to ditch you after they thought that you were a grown adult once you can walk. There was only one harbinger in your work who was assigned to be your guardian since you were still a minor, No.8, La Signora. In pure honesty, she was the only one you really liked it of all the other harbingers. Sure, the harbingers was like a big family, but she was really the only one you'd fully call family. The others were a bunch of weirdos hungry for power.. not much different from you though.

However, after an hour wait, it wasn't Signora who showed up. One of the Fatui diplomats that work for the harbingers showed up, causing you to be confused. However, you never questioned about it.

Before you can leave the police station, they cuffed a non-removable bracelet onto your arm that tracks every location you are at. You could feel your hand tense at the sudden pressure on your arm, but you quickly ignored it once the diplomat ordered for you to start moving.

"The other harbingers are waiting for you at your house.. now that you have a tracker."

You didn't dare to say anything. That diplomat may look like a low life that just has a low rank in the fatui, but in reality, he can ruin your status in just one go. Other than that, you knew well your going to be in big trouble with the other members. You are the youngest, other than Scaramouche, but you were always the one who got into the biggest of troubles. You knew well you're just going to get an hour scolding by Pierro and Pantalone.. After all, those two had always been the one to fix the damage you always caused.

However, your punishment wasn't just a scolding. It was much more than what you had expected.

When you arrived at your humble, sad apartment, you were quick to notice Pierro and Pantalone seated around your dining table with a pissed look on their faces. The diplomat that drove you here closed the door as you took your seat.

"You know well why we are here, right Y/n?" Pantalone gave his signature grin, but you knew well it wasn't because of some great news.

"Just get it over with." You slumped down on your chair, folding your arms as you were already prepared for their long scoldings.

But it seemed this time was different.

You suddenly sat up straight in confusion when you watched the diplomat had a folder to Pierro. Pierro opened the folder, then slid a specific piece of paper with your photo on it, as well as a few sections highlighted in yellow. Confusingly, you brought the paper closer to yourself, and glanced at the Jester in confusion.

"Read out loud what kind of trouble you brought us." Pierro folded his arms as he frowned.

You sighed through your nose, holding up the paper to your face so you can read clearly what the highlighted section stated.

"Y/n L/n is charged with attempt of assault and the injuries of five students. After the many arrests and complains, Y/n L/n was going to be sent to juvenile.. However, after the discovery of her potential relatives, she'll be.."

The look of shock and horror was written all over your face.

".. permanently moving to Mondstadt to be supervised by her aunt."

Your hands were trembling again.

Crumbling up the paper, you threw it down on the ground as you slammed your hand on the table, pushing your chair backwards as you stood up.

"BS! They can't do that to me!" You angrily looked at Pierro and Pantalone, "Can't you guys just bail me out again?!"

"We sadly can't do that anymore. They're taking you away even if they have to use force. The Tsaritsa-"

"You're just scared of losing all that money for your whores, aren't you?!" You cut off Pantalone, "Screw the stupid bank of yours anywa-"


You froze when Pierro stomped his foot on the ground, causing the room to grow quiet.

"You are going to Mondstadt no matter what happens." Pierro slammed the folder shut. "You won't be alone. Tartaglia is going to be taking a mission in Mondstadt, and it's supervising you from afar."

Your head followed Pierro as he got up from his seat and began walking to your door.

"Why can't Signora go instead?" You ask, gritting your teeth. The room grew silent once more.

"Where is Rosalyne?"

No one dared to answer you.

"You're hiding something from me.. aren't you?"

Pierro didn't bother looking back at you. His hand was on the knob of your door.

"Rosalyne is dead."



In The Making | 5WIRL x Bodyguard! Reader : Genshin Impact IDOL AUWhere stories live. Discover now