Chapter 13 - Separated

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2 years later

Aquamarine Aurelius Pov

"Aqua on your left!" Cordelia shouted through our mental link.

I pivoted and swung my trident in an arcing slash of golden light, cleaving straight through the bird-like beast. Its talons had grazed my cheek, but I didn't have time to pay it any mind as my 11-year-old sister and I sprinted across the chasm bridge.

We had been running for a few minutes, dodging various airborne creatures and their attacks, however, the portal was still nowhere to be found.

A thick wave of fire hurtled toward me from above as I ran in the only direction I could go, forward. My dark silver core hummed in anticipation as a wave of water formed just above me, nullifying the fire spell.

I noticed a bullet of energy arcing straight at Cordelia from behind me, but I didn't bother helping her out. Right as it reached her, I heard the energy beam careen off of a barrier that was erected by her bond, Callisto.

Over the past 4 years—ever since I met the mutt—he had continued to impress me with his defensive was almost as if he were bred for protection. While he wasn't very imposing physically, his mana-based powers were nothing to scoff at. Although, ironically, he was much weaker in the relictombs due to him being cut off the moon, from which he drew power.

Noticing that we might end up in trouble if I didn't do something quick, I decided to take matters into my own hands. We needed to cross the neverending chasm before we either fatigued, succumbed to the various flying beasts, or fell off the edge. Each possibility seemingly just as likely as the other.

Without so much as a twitch of my finger, I brought forth a flood of water and condensed it into a sphere that encompassed both my sister and Callisto.

Letting my mana flow freely through my legs, I dug my feet into the ground causing the stone beneath me to crack as I took off as fast as I could physically move. The force from my burst of speed—to my dismay—had caused the stone that made up the bridge behind me to completely crumble and I realized that I had just created a major problem...the entire pathway seemed to be failing.

The bridge that I had just maimed was the only thing keeping us from falling into the never-ending abyss of this zone, so needless to say I was slightly panicked.


Doubling down on my mana usage, I decided to focus nearly every ounce of strength that I could on moving faster, saving just a little mana to create a makeshift shield.

"Lia! Make sure they don't make it through my defenses..."

A revolving circle of water coalesced around me in order to bat away anything that might get through the duo of my sister and her bond. However, despite their immense fatigue, seeing as they didn't have to focus on running, dealing with the threats didn't seem to be too big of a deal.

Eventually, I finally saw the portal in the distance, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy. Despite the fact that I had been outrunning the collapsing of the bridge's south side, I knew that I didn't have enough separation as a mighty 2-legged wyvern appeared just in front of the portal, blasting part of the bridge in front of it to bits.

"Shit..." I muttered as I was forced to come to an abrupt stop. Luckily the destruction of the northern portion of the bridge didn't cause a chain reaction, but we still weren't in a pretty situation.

While I didn't doubt that I could beat the beast, I needed to do so without destroying the pathway...and quickly.

My frown contorted into something of a grin as I finally found a reason to test something I had been working on recently.

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