Chapter 21 - Battle of Retainers

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"He—he just beat Caelan Kaiser without using any runes," Jaden said, dumbfounded.

"Not only that, but he also didn't use his famous weapon either," Aryaan added.

I heard Zane mutter to my left, "That guy's a monster, Cordelia."

I couldn't help but smile.

I noticed Aqua wink in my direction before he turned around and bowed to the high box, pulling my father's cloak out and throwing it over his shoulders.

"Well fought to both competitors, we will now take a short intermission for our challengers to recuperate, please be patient."

There were a few groans, but most held their discontent well.

The wait seemed to last for quite a while, despite the fact that neither Aqua nor Lyra sustained any actual injuries whatsoever.

Eventually, the two ascenders met back up in the middle of the stage. However, much to everyone's disappointment, Lyra Dreide forfeited instantly.

I shared a confused look with my classmates while we eagerly waited for an explanation.

"Lyra Dreide yields, victory goes to Highlord Aquamarine Aurelius."

Lyra left the stadium, but Aqua remained.

"What's happening Aqua?" I asked him immediately after noticing that our link had connected.

"Personal decree of the High-Sovereign himself," he said, his voice a calm gentle wave rolling through my mind, "he wants me in as good of condition as possible for the follow-up...that's why there was an intermission in the first place."

"What follow-up? What's going on?"

"You'll see," was all he gave me in terms of a response.

Then a familiar hooded man strode across the stadium, coming to stand just 10 or so meters away from Aqua.

"By the will of the High-Sovereign, Highlord Aquamarine Aurelius has received the title of Retainer of the Central Dominion mere moments ago."

As the voice faded away, the crowd was left stunned, not sure what to make of this news. My classmates all looked around at each other, also unsure as to what the reason for this was.

"Now, we welcome retainer Uto of Vechor to demonstrate Aqua's capabilities."

'So he wanted Aqua in perfect condition for this?'

The two retainers stood across from each other, neither making a move for a few moments.

Aqua was the first to move, storing away the cloak and holding out his hand. 

Despite being sure I'd never seen him fight with it, I almost expected the golden trident to appear in his hands.

"That's his famous weapon, Bleeding Edge," remarked Jaden, wide-eyed.

I looked over at him and then noticed that all of my classmates had varying looks of disbelief. 

Aqua raised his trident in the air, and a booming noise of lightning striking ripped through the air moments after the actual bolt struck his weapon.

The entire audience recoiled at the sudden rush of power, yet Uto stood perfectly still.

"Call of the thunder god," Anna said slack-jawed.

"His only known rune," added Aryaan.

"Seeing it up close, it's definitely a regalia!" Jaden shouted, looking at me expectantly, but I shrugged, having no clue as to the level of the rune.

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