Chapter 6 - Massacre

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After I began my journey, I set out for the hill that had towered over the forest that I had been in ever since I had stepped into this zone. After about an hour of climbing, I had finally reached the top and found what I was looking for.

When I made it to the top of the hill—turned mountain, I heard the thunderous roar of hundreds of soldiers, marching through the swamplands.

Behind the rows of soldiers, stood a town...or maybe it could be best described as a cluster of villages, and a towering structure that could only be the portal of the zone.

'Why is it so big?'

The portal itself wasn't exactly turned on, but that wasn't even the most pressing issue. It seemed like the ghouls I had fought before were scouts...or maybe an elite group of mages at best.

I hoped that the army down there wasn't capable of magic, or else I didn't exactly see this going too well.

I waited on top of the mountain, observing their thunderous movements, but most importantly, I was waiting for rain...if it would ever come.

I knew that I wouldn't have that long to wait since the army seemed to be mobilizing to fight me.

'Go figure.'

They obviously hadn't spotted me yet, but they were moving in my direction and they would arrive within 3 hours or so.

After nearly 2 and a half hours of waiting around, I was startled by a sudden wet sensation on my face as I attempted to hit birds out of the sky with little rocks scattered across the ground.

Upon noticing this, I stood up and began stretching before I made my descent down the mountain, full sprint.

With my newly acquired physique, the 10-mile run, even without mana was nothing to me and I now found myself about a hundred meters away from a phalanx type lineup of around 1,000 ghouls. All of which appeared to be unadds.

I knew that without the rain or a large body of water, this mission would be utterly impossible, but now the playing fields were pretty much evened out.

I grinned as I stuck my hand out, and the entire army tensed at my sudden movement. A second later, my weapon, a mighty golden trident appeared in my hand.

'Damn I need to give this thing a name.'

The army of ghouls seemed hesitant at first upon seeing my weapon appear out of thin air. But a loud battle cry was yelled out by who I assumed was their leader, and they marched forwards, metal shields and spears in hand.

My grin widened as I raised my trident to the sky. I tried to think of a clever name, but it was to no avail.

A booming roar ripped through the sky, and this time, a blue bolt of lightning struck down causing the entire army to stop in their tracks.

Recovering from the recoil, that was still powerful enough to force me to fully brace myself, I slowly rose back to my feet.

I twirled the fork of death in my hands as I confidently walked forwards, cautious to not let the crackling energy touch me.

I leaped up into the air when I had closed half of the distance and I reared my arm back.

Letting go of the weapon, it flew through the air, easily breaking the sound barrier, despite the fact that I could never throw something that hard.

It landed on the ground with a thunderous crash, and the initial strike, which carved a crater in the ground, killed nearly a tenth of their forces. The after-effects of the lightning arcing off of the weapon killed nearly a hundred more ghouls, who were unable to protect themselves with mana.

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