➣A peaceful day? ➢

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Cale woke up later that noon he saw Hilsman and Loyd training with Kim and barrow. Ron was out hunting for rabbits I don't know how he'll find rabbits when all of the animals no rather all of the creatures inside the forest where monsters

Except them and choi-han of course..... Wait-

"Oh fuck-" Cale cursed 'I forgot choi-han' indeed he did he doesn't know how he forgot about someone so vicious. He stealthily left the vila

No one noticed because of his develop skill when he went to hell training with Ron. When he got out he got his protection suit on to protect him from poisonous plants and other harmful things and cautiously inspect the area praying not to incounter the scary butler

He grasps his hand and firmed his priority he was about to set off when he suddenly remember is choi-han even here yet or is he still on earth... No he is not here but he's inside harris village Cale was pretty sure he was even if he wasn't inside harris village he can take care of himself knowing how strong and vicious he is. Cale decided to take in some other creature instead

On and Hong he was sure they were on rain city's slums so he went there he may leave for a couple of days without informing Ron or his Sibling but it'll be alright what's the worst thing that can happen right?

He used his wind Ancient power to help him move faster he just noticed this but he doesn't cough up blood when he uses his ancient powers even if he used it to full power

The scary rock cobblestone said that his plate was stronger than bead rock right now and he was thankful for it

He reached his destination for a day and a half because it was noon again he didn't sleep which made crybaby worked even harder it's basically exploiting him right now

-𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘦 *𝘴𝘰𝘣* 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 *𝘴𝘰𝘣*

He went and ignored crybaby's ramblings and found his target


The silver one hissed but he didn't mind it

"Hey come with me I'll feed you" he said as he spread his arms open

The cats were wary of this stranger I mean who wouldn't he showed out of nowhere well actually he fell from the sky it's quite questionable why no one saw him yet although his wearing a mask his red hair were fluttering towards the air

"You wont? "

The man asked they really shouldn't trust a man that came falling suddenly from the sky yet why do they feel like if they went with this man all will be alright?

They hesitated but went towards the man cautiously. The man smiled when they were in his arms and flew away from the HENITUSE territory and into the little forest near there

"Alright let me feed you something delicious" he said as he quickened his pace when he suddenly stopped which alarmed the kittens. This was noticed by Cale and consoled them

"Don't worry I was just startled" he said Carresing their fur

[Sub scenario:Need an information system? Go and in slave a few mountain bandits ]

A sub scenario just started Cale was contemplating weather to do it or not

[Rewards;sla- workers, 1000,000 𝙘𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙨]

He's eyes shimmered the kittens were confused

He turns around and went to the direction the screen told him. He saw a group of mountain bandits about 10 of them he placed the kittens on a safe place and said;

"Wait here I have to do something first" the kittens just nodded even though they were confused

What they saw was between amazing and terrifying Cale was inflicting domination, fear and trauma to the mountain bandit he seemed like a demon that crawled out of hell beginning his first attempt to destroy the world minutes later the bandits were in cale's mercy the cats were in awe

[You have completed the sub scenario you have received a skill called "Obey Or Perish"]

Cale smiled devilishly which scared the mountain bandits more he then proceeded to use his skill

" You will follow my order or you will die"he said in a cold way

"Yes will do anything you say just pls, pls don't throw us into a live volcano,cook us alive, or strike us with lighting a hundred times!!! "The bandits cried

" geez you guys are soo dramatic like I'll ever do that"cale said as he roles his eyes

The bandits looked at the tree he hit with lighting a moment later all that's left was were black dust

"Prepare a place for me to stay" cale ordered

"Yes of course! "

"Also prepare food for three"

"As you wish! "

Cale picked up the two shocked kittens and went inside the tent they prepared for him

"Go on eat" he said to the two kittens who were staring strangely at him

"Don't be shy eat to your fill" he said with a motherly smile

That smile was different from the smile he shine the mountain bandits

'How should I use them've thought as he looked outside the tent

Meanwhile inside the super rocks villa the once peaceful afternoon was Ingulfed with chaos


"young master cale!!! Where are *sob* youuuuu"

"young master.... I'm a disappointment of a bodyguard I didn't even notice you gone... "

"I guess the young master and me will have a long 'talk' about this once he's home"

"Shall we search the henituse territory father? "

"Cale, oh Cale my sweet sweet dongsaeng Cale where are you.... "

(Can you guess who these comments belong too🤭)

They were now in a fit because of Cale disappearance and no Cale has no idea he fucked up and is getting a lot of scolding once he gets home


"Nya! "

"Nya! "

The two cats meawws as if asking if Cale got sick or caught a cold

'Someone must be talking shit about me'

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