✎Finally Were Roommate's

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After all of that fiasco Cale went on to find his dorm and meet his new roommate but why are they coming with him.

"Don't you guys have to find your dorms? "-Cale

" this is the way to my dorm"-Barrow

"Do you think we're roommates?"-Kim

"I sure hope so"-Barrow

They were, they were roommates

"heck ya!"-Barrow said as he leaps

"I get this room here it has a nice lighting I can wake up in the morning and look fabulous✨"-Kim said as he sparkles

" Hahhh... "That's what Cale said but he was glad there roommates though

There were four rooms so that means they must have another roommate.

" who could it be? "Said Barrow

" any guesses? "Said Kim

" It won't be the others since this is the commoners dorms"said Cale

The door opens revealing a pretty brown haired girl.

"oh! HI guys! Long time no see!" she says as they all answered here

"Do we know you?"

The girl stood there heart broken as her luggage she was carrying fell to the ground..

"Guys... It's me... Chrissy... " She said as tears started forming in her eyes
(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

"Chrissy?!" Cale shouts

"Girl what happened to you?!" Kim

"Is it because she had her heart broken... Should I get my heart broken to have a glow up as well?"

Chrissy and the triplets catches up to each other turns out chrissy's mom owned a salon 💅

"Your looking fabulous girl! " Kim said as he 💅

"Aw thank you thank you keep the complement coming😌" Chrissy said as she flips her long hair

"Do you have a boyfriend now?" Barrow said as Chrissy looks at him horrified

"After that incident? Naw I don't trust handsome guys except you guys anymore" Chrissy said as she sits down

"How bout you guys do you have a boyfriend now" she said as she gets ready for tea🍵

"No not yet~" Kim said as he smirks

"Mmm I have none in mind"-Barrow

" currently waiting "-Cale

Chrissy looks disappointed but looks at Kim " you making a move~😏"

Kim smiles "you could say that🤭"

Cale and Barrow will remember to hide choi-han away in the woods.

They talked for a few minutes as they arranged their things and went to sleep.

The next day in class the teacher introduced a new student.

"Hello my names Bud and this is my best friend Glenn!" He said as he showed the boy with purple hair

(They say glenn has purple hair.. Does he have purple hair?)

Cale just stared at them as he device a plan to scam them into their group

Class was boring as expected the only time it's not is when the teacher shares a few instances that happened in their life.

"You know this reminds me of the time when i-"

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