➣Family Bonding➢

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The next morning

*birds chirping from afar*(one of the magical beast)

*Kiekkk (monsters being slathered by other monsters from afar)

Ahhh what a lovely morning this is barrow thought as he proceeded to head over to the dinning table to eat breakfast. It was indeed a peaceful morning

(Real life me:not really a morning person not a night person I'm just a person

Author me:idc now shut up and let me continue the story

Real life me:I can't focus my sisters and cousins are being loud..)

"So your brothers and me have discussed something last night and they have reached an agreement to go to school" Violan said as she looked at barrow

"What-"-barrow was about to question why they should go to school when they were already smart

" its good for children like you guys to socialize and make friends not just study"-Dilan Cuts off barrow unintentionally

(Real life me:arghh socializing my weakness....

Don't touch Me:I know right?

Piss off me:no one can piss me off if I don't socialize

Anger issues me:my patience can't fathom meeting a b*tch)

Socialize? Barrow doesn't need it he has his brothers to socialize

(Real life me:Respect barrow!

introvert me:Home is where you should be)

"No young master your brothers are not counted" loyd said like he read what was on barrows mind

"We will be there with you barrow I mean even though will basically went in hell we should make it fun right? "-Kim

(Author:ahh yes school drama I've been waiting for this😈

Sane Me:should we stop whatever she's thinking?..

Kind me:leave the poor cuties alone at least give them a normal school life!)

" I guess we could try, as long as you'll be with me I think I'll be fine! "-Barrow said as he was excited to have his School life with his brothers maybe they could flip over the school together? Yes they could try that-no they will do that.



Nurse me:oh- water! Water! Someone give me water!!

'I don't care' me:*splashes her with water*

Nurse me:....

'I don't care' me:what you said to give you water?

War freak me:*dying)

" but won't they notice us..? "Barrow asks

" will be going there as commoners "-Cale sid as he sips his horrid lemon tea

" hyungs will go to school?... Then I wanna go too! "Basen said as he shouted

" you can't go to school yet sweetie maybe when your older"-violan

"Okay.. But aren't we just I don't know seven? "-barrow

" well their's always kid prodigies we will pass just fine we are pretty smart"-Kim

"I guess we are! "-Barrow

" we won't go to school yet idiots well not yet, until we reached age ten then we can go"-Cale

"Oh! Then more time to bond! "-barrow

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