✎I got a feeling

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Let's see what alberu's team did as Cale's team dominated their whole list in just a minute.

"Okay where do we go first?" Taylor said as he stares at alberu. "Well we could try and find this one here.

Alberu's said as he pointed at one of the materials they needed to find.

"Let's look over there"Taylor said as he pointed towards the opposite path Cale and his team took.

'Dammit where getting too far from the triplets'Eliza Thought as Misaki thought the same.

"you know it would be so much easy to find the other materials if we split up?" Misaki suggested as Alberu's looks at her.

Misaki and Eliza sweets as they feel alberu's intense and suspicious gaze.

"Well you are right, okay let's split up"

They both let out a relief breathe as they smiled and went towards the other way.

Dillon stares at them suspiciously.

After a while of walking they finally saw a material they needed to find.

"Finally," alberu's said as he started picking up the materials.

When suddenly he got his finger bruised. "Ouch"

It stings him as he wipes of the blood with a handkerchief "Be careful it has horns you know" Taylor said as he stealth picks up the ingredient.

Alberu's doesn't know why but he feels iffy about this...

"Cale?!" Misaki screamed as she drops the recording device when he saw Cale getting stabbed.

She swoops down towards Cale as Eliza did the same in panic.

But just as they were almost towards Cale.


[Warning!¡ outsuders may not interfere with the Scenario Taking place]

A robotic voice suddenly rang " The fuck do you mean we can't interfere?!"Eliza screams

"Cale?! Is he okay!? The fuck is this invisible thing?!" Misaki hits the invincible barrier preventing them from going further.

Cale coughs out blood as misaki and Eliza could only watch from above.


After a while alberu's team only needs to find one more on their half list he doesn't know if the two girls from earlier found what's on their list yet but he could wait for them to get back.

Dillon suddenly stops and look back

"What's the matter dillon?" Taylor asks

Dillon just frowned as he said "I don't know I got a feeling something bad almost happened..."

Alberu's nods "I actually felt the tendency to stab someone awhile back too I don't know why"

Taylor just looks at them weirdly as he steps back from alberu

"Don't worry it was just a feeling it disappeared a moment ago" alberu said as he saw Taylor slowly back off from him.


"Misaki.. Did you feel that?" Eliza said as she stares at the ground where Barrow suddenly vanished along with Cale.

"Anger and vengeance an intense emotions of these two combined.. " Misaki replies.

"He might...."misaki didn't finish as Eliza continues what she was about to say.

"Our Barrow might never return!!" Eliza said as she panicks

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