Chapter 12

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"Pete where did you go last night? We've been looking for you everywhere I thought you went back home" Mr. Takhun shouted upon seeing me.

I didn't answer him and just walk straight to where Mr. Kinn is.

Since last night I'm having a panic attack when I didn't see Venice and Tey at the safe house. I waited for them till this morning but they didn't show up.

Now I'm going to ask Mr. Kinn in case he knows where is Tey.

I went to their room but Porsche told me that he is in his office. So I hurriedly went there.

I didn't even knock and just open the door. I know I'm being rude right now, but I'm going to face the consequences later after intruding on him from his work.

"Mr. Kinn I'm sorry for this but can you please tell me where is Tey right now?" I hurriedly question without even saying hello first.

He is not even shocked upon seeing me.

"I'm expecting you to come," he said smiling.

Does he know something I asked myself?

But the anxiety I've been feeling since last night never leaves me in a bit.

"I know where is he"

"Mr. Kinn please tell me, I wanted to see them." I pleaded

"Don't worry Pete, everything is fine" he said trying to comfort me.

"Please Mr. Kinn just tell me where are they... Please" I pleaded again.

Who in the hell is not going to worry about the situation right now?

Tey didn't inform me anything, about what was happening to them. And he turns off his phone how am I going to contact them now?

Now I'm starting to have a teary eye.

"Come with me Pete, this is not the place to talk about this" he gestures to me and takes me to somewhere I don't even know exists in the main house.

What are we going to talk about? Why do we need to go here in the first place? Too many questions are running through my mind at that moment.

"Have a sit Pete, just relax Venice is in good hands" he said smiling.

Because of what he said I feel relieved for a bit. But my nervousness was still there.

"So where is he Mr. Kinn I want to see him," I asked again

"I know everything Pete," he said seriously.

"What do you mean Mr. Kinn?" I asked confused.

"Everything about you and what happened this past five years" he admitted.

My knees were trembling because of that, it's good that I'm sitting right now. I don't know how to react I just look at him in disbelief.

I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I feel so ashamed right now.

"I know what happened to you and Vegas. And to your death, I didn't do any further investigation like Takhun wants, because I'm also behind it. I'm going to ruin everything if I do that." he explained, I just looked at him and tried to absurd what is he saying now.

I didn't say anything, because I'm so speechless at Mr. Kinn's revelation.

"And about your pregnancy" he added.

I put my hands on my face and started crying.

Now he is going to call me crazy.

"I know what are you thinking, that I'm going to call you crazy, right," he said

And I just put my head down low, still crying.

"You're not crazy Pete, you are just lucky," he said trying to comfort me with his word again.

So now I fully understand why he didn't question me after coming back. Because all this time he knows everything.

"And I don't despise you and Tey for being like that"  then his eyes went bulged after realizing what he just said.

"Tey you mean Mr. Kinn?" now I want to know what he said.

"Now that I already slip my tongue I'm going to tell you what I know, but don't say anything to him," he said looking at me intently.

I just nodded.

"Tey got pregnant once, but he aborted it."

"What?" I asked him with a shocked face.

"But regret it after, he thought people and us are going to despise him after knowing that a man like him can carry a baby. And he hated himself because of that."

"Does Time knows?"

"I know Tey didn't tell you that part too. Yeah, he knows about the baby and he is very happy about it. But everything changes after the abortion. Time broke up with him. Because Tey didn't inform Time about his decision. Now his tormenting himself and asking Time to beat him every time he remembers what he did. He helped you because he does not want you to experience the same mistakes he did."

Now I'm having a headache hearing all of that.

A long silence can be heard between the two of us.

"Now it's your turn to tell Vegas the truth"

"No I'm not telling him Mr. Kinn" then shake my head.

"But why? He has the right to know that he has a son" MR. Kinn argued with me.

"No, I'm not going to tell him. Mr. Kinn I'm begging you don't tell him about Venice please" I beg and kneel I'm in front of him.

"There is no secret that will not be revealed Pete, remember that. Don't wait for later, you have to tell him the truth now. Whether he accepts Venice or not, I'm here and I'm going to help you. Besides he is my nephew."


"Truth always wins in the end. No matter how you hide it"

I'm not that busy so a double update for today.

I hope you still enjoying this crappy book of mine. 😊

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