Chapter 14

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I went out by sea for a walk, just to clear my mind. I left Venice with my grandparents so I can think properly.

It's been a week since we came back to my hometown but the image of Vegas never leaves my head.

The photo that Mr. Kinn showed me that day makes my fear worse. Venice sitting on Vegas' lap while reading. Then a video with them, laughing together.

Then the day he drop Venice at the main family's house. I don't know how to explain what is he feeling at that moment. Because after seeing me hugging Venice and calling him my baby he left instantly.

After an hour of walking, I went back to our house but I'm not expecting what awaits me there.

What is he doing here my mind asks? And my anxiety kicks in instantly after seeing him.

"Pete, you know him right his from the Theerapanyakul family," my grandfather asked me.

I just nod my head.

"What are you doing here?" I asked bravely trying to hide my nervousness.

"You impolite kid. I didn't raise you like that. Be thankful to him, because after your death he looks after us." my grandma said trying to hit me.

"I don't believe you, where is Venice," I asked trying to go away.

"You don't believe your grandma now?" my grandpa shouted

I wanted to run away at that moment, cause I'm not ready to face him yet.

I didn't look for Venice but instead, I walk out of the house again and back to sea again.

I didn't know that he followed me.

"Pete" I stopped upon hearing him and face him.

"What do you want? You said you're not going to disturb me again, but why are you here?" I burst out

"I'm not going to disturb you again if you are going to answer all my questions and give my son to me," he said sternly

Then I started crying. I'm not expecting this day, that I'm going to hear that words.

"No you can't do that, he is my son" I shouted back

"Why on earth do I have a son? how did you even do that?" he shouted

I didn't answer him, because I don't want to tell him the truth that I give birth to Venice.

"Answer me!" he shouted again it's good that we are far away from the houses. Or else they will hear us.

"I... took y...our semen f...rom the sperm bank" I lied not looking at him, it's good that word pout out from my head immediately

"What did you say?" he asked in disbelief

"That I took your semen from the bank. I know all of you are hiding your semen there for your heir in the next generation." I blurted out

"Is this your revenge on me? What are you going to do with Venice after? You are going to hurt him as I did to you. Or are you going to kill him?" he said hurt

"He is my son why do I need to do that, he is my life now," I shouted again with frustration

"He is not yours, Pete, he is mine," he said sternly

"He is mine"

"Don't fool yourself, Pete, you already said that you stole my semen. Venice is not yours" he said angrily

"He is mine, he is mine" I keep on chanting.

"I'm taking him with me" then he runs fast to the house.

I run as fast as I could, but I can't catch him because my blurry eyes is not cooperating at all.

I need to wipe my tears away and calm myself for a bit. I know my grandparents will question me after seeing me in that state.

I saw him inside sitting next to Venice.

Vegas come closer to me and whispered something.

"If you are not going to cooperate, you know what's going to happen to them"

Then I saw the two bodyguards behind my grandparents showing their guns.

"I'm giving you time to spend with him till the afternoon because you are not going to see him again," he added

"No" I cried again, my knees are trembling, and wants to collapse from what I heard. I felt so terrified thinking about my grandparents.

"Why are you crying Pete?" he hugged me after hearing my grandfather

"Nothing grandpa, he just misses me that's all, right Pete," he said but he whispered something again.

"Wrong answer Pete, and you will see them dead"

"He is right grandpa" I lied then I started sobbing again.

"No please I'm begging you, don't take Venice away from me. Please..." I beg at him and even clutch his shirt.

"No and that's final," he said with an authoritative voice while stroking my back like he was trying to comfort me.

Time flies and it's already in the afternoon my crying didn't stop for a bit.

We stayed in my room, Vegas watching me and Venice.

"Start packing Pete" I glared at him and my heart start swelling after hearing those words from him.

"Why, where are we going?" asked Venice to me but his stupid father answer instead.

"I'm taking you with me, we are going to see uncle Macau," Vegas said smiling.

If only I can rip that smile my mind said but I voice it out loud.

"Try it," he said teasing me again.

"I hate you," I shouted

"I know," he said from smiling to frowning.

"Papa, why are you crying?" Venice came to me and hug me.

"Because someone is being mean to me," I said pouting

"Who? I will kick their butt butt" he said trying to wipe my tears away.

"It's okay baby, I'm okay I can handle it,"

"Are you done?" Vegas interrupted us.

I glare at him again for the nnt time now.

I just pack a few things because he said he can buy him tons of clothes. And my grandparents will not get suspicious.

I need to lie to them, that he is bringing back Venice after a few days.

"Why Papa is not coming?"

"He is going to follow us later," he said and I know that's a lie.

"Yes baby I will follow you wherever you go," I said sternly.

If only looks could kill, he's been dead a long-time ago.

And I went closer to Vegas and whispered something.

"You're going to regret this day,"

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