My Best friends | ch 1

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Authors note people!! (It'll be quick dw)

Okay so first of all...

It is a love triangle between 3 best friends , rest of the info in the description.

Second of all...
This isn't much mature besides kissing but that's all. Please don't get me in trouble with your parents.

And now third of all..


Cast <3

Eddie Munson.

"Come on Steve, serve us!"

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"Come on Steve, serve us!"

Y/n Ewake


"Yeah I'll like the pistachio ice cream please"

Steve Harrington

"Screw you guys honestly

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"Screw you guys honestly."

Now we may begin c:

It has always been me, Steve and Eddie.

And we all liked it that way.

We were 4 lifers. Literally.

We were born in the same hospital room. On the same day.

That was mainly because our parents were best friends wishing we all would be as close as them. If anything I think we were closer.

Steve would be the mom of the group while Eddie was the decision maker. The one who would also bully us all. I guess both boys do...but not to each other. Me.

I was the ditzy one of the trio. I would be clueless of my surroundings. Like for example we once went on a road trip and I forgot where to after being the one to book the place. But yet after all that I am one of the smartest in the school.

So smart I won a scholarship and of course I shoved the medal in the boys' faces.

I was writing my day in my diary. Yes it was pink and had a unicorn on it but that's because I have been writing in it since I was a little girl. I write in it usually like twice a year but have been for 14 years. (You, Steve and Eddie are 17)

Reading all the other pages, they all mentioned looks.

"I wish I had a glow up."

"I wanna finally feel happy for once."

"Please God give me a glow up."

So bad I wished for God. I'm not even catholic. Well after all those pleads, God did hear me. I got the glow up I needed. Really it was taking time away from others and focusing on myself.

So that's what I did.

For the summer holidays I didn't see anyone but myself in the mirror. And of course I called Steve and Eddie. They truely miss me and say and I quote. "I miss bullying your stupid face."

Well not anymore.

Tomorrow is when I'll show everyone my glow up. And not the type where you lose weight or whatever (which you should never just to feel pretty! Instead for health because all bodies are beautiful. But I shouldn't really be telling you what to do. Just know your beautiful in your own way!)

I got the glow up where I found the right makeup. I hit puberty. I found nice clothes and smelly scents. And found the right products for my hair.

I feel better than better. In fact I feel completed.

————————————— <3

The cold air hit me just right.

It was the only breeze today. It was boiling.

Usually every morning all us friends (Steve, Eddie, myself) would meet up on Caddy st. So that's what we did today.

This was my first day of my last year and I was going to make it the best. Even if I was stuck with my friends I have stuck with since day 1.

Walking down the street I saw the two boys standing there chatting. Today I didn't strive for looks. I strived to finally see my friends.

"There she isss!" Steve cheered, picking me up. He spun me where I got snatched into Eddie's grasp. "How's my little sunshine? Awake?" He chuckled before hugging me as if we haven't seen each other for a month. Which we haven't actually.

He would always call me that because my last name is Ewake. Steve would say Ear ache while Eddie said awake.

"I didn't even notice you until I saw your height." Steve said as he was admiring my looks. I blushed a little but had the excuse of blush to cover it.

"Is this why you social distanced?" Eddie asked also admiring. I felt small between both of their admiration so I changed the topic before I exploded with blush sparkles.

"How about we start walking, eh? I'm boiling." I then fanned myself as both boys scurried behind me. "So what's everyone's goals this year?" Steve asked after a moment of non awkward silence.

"Probably find a love." Eddie said, looking at the pavement where someone had drawn a heart. "Ah sick same man." Steve then proceeded to 'dab Eddie up'. It's a handshake boys do apparently.

"Probably find new friends honestly." I giggle at their both offended faces.


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