Steve Harrington | ch2

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Y/n's POV

It was the middle of the school day and I was exhausted and a little embarrassed because all the boys were staring while the girls looked at me in hatred for some odd reason.

While being in the middle of my thoughts I bumped into something, someone. Definitely someone.

"Hey-! Oh, hello Y/n." Jason looked down at me and smiled. Eddie and Steve then budged in. "Oi back off to your little girlfriend." Steve said cooly. Jason then inspected the two boys.

"Freaks." He muttered, smiled at me and then turned on his ugly heel.

"Anyways now that, that piece of shit's gone I will be too as for I have a game to attend." Eddie then saluted and walked off. Me and Steve weren't part of the club simply because we didn't know one rule about the game. DND I believe it was called.

"Anyways so what do you wanna do?" Steve asked while we walked in sync. "What do you have in mind?" I asked because I simply didn't know. "Wait actually I need to go to the library..but I know you don't wanna co-"

"I'll come." He says reluctantly. He grabbed my hand and I still had to lead the way because I think this is his first time at the library honestly. He hung out with his two other friends most of the time that I forgot the names of. I was quite jealous of them especially since one's a girl. Caroline I think her name was. Oh that's right. Carol and Tommy.

So really, both Eddie and Steve had friends. But I did as well. Nancy and I are close as well as Barbra. There is also this nice girl named Lilly that I see in the library at times and we chat a lot. She's just a really quiet girl.

Once making it to the library I ran to my spot on the window seal where Steve sat.

"So this is what you do all day? Read?" He asked fumbling with one of the book's I picked out. "Oi don't touch." I snatched the book out of his grasp.

"Oh sorry." He says sarcastically. He didn't seem bored almost..comfortable?

"Y/n!" Lilly popped from behind the bookshelf. "Ahh!" I screamed backing into Steve. Reflexes.

"Oh my god Lilly I nearly had a heart attack." I gripped my heart dramatically as she smiled.  The librarian told us to quiet.

"You look beautiful." She whispered. "Thank you." I mouthed. Then Lilly simply walked away. I felt vibrations and realised I was still on Steve. I hurried off to find him silently laughing.

"Oh shut up." I snapped but smiled too.

"Who was that?" He asked after finishing his laughing session. "Lilly."

"Lilly who?" He asked.

"After all this time. 7 years and you still don't know people's names?" I asked but was faced was truth. "You don't know my friends' names. Do you now?" He taunted back.

"That's because I don't want to. And plus it's Carol and Tommy. See?" I huffed. He just sat and stared at me. For a long 10 seconds.

"What?" I finally asked smiling.

"You look...nice. I mean well- beautiful. No- gorgeous." He stuttered. I simply laughed and went to the aisle where my book was. Someone grabbed me from behind and I squealed.

"Shh!" The librarian shushed. "Sorry!" I whisper shouted. The person was still holding my waist and just looking at the hands I knew it was Steve.

I was blushing crazy and thank god he didn't see my face. Us as best friends both liked physical touch but this year feels different.

"Steve." I said.

"Mhm?" He murmured into my shoulder. "Could you... could you- ah- reach my book." I didn't want to ask because I know he will bully me. He chuckled.

Surprisingly he got it for me. But. There's a but. He held it taller than the actual shelf it was on. "There you go" he laughed.

"Ughhh you little shit-" I breathed out trying to jump for my book.

"Out!" A stern voice whisper shouted behind me. Instantly I knew it was that old hag of a librarian. Steve was still laughing once we were outside. The books I was intending on borrowing was taken off me.

"Never. Ever again!" I shouted walking faster than him to get away. "Oh shut up it was funny! I even saw her wrinkles twist up a bit." Steve said smiling a toothy smile.

"Hello my people from the womb." A voice said behind me. People have to stop doing that unless they wish for a heart attack.

"Why are you all cranky?" Eddie asked me, smiling. I just pointed at Steve and he held his hands up in defence.


Eddie's POV

It was now lunch and the whole cafeteria were talking about an upcoming dance. I didn't do dances. I don't usually attend but y/n begged me to so I will this year. I didn't even know who to take and was planning on just y/n. But as friends.

Well in her eyes.

I have liked y/n for ages. Since the womb I would think. I didn't tell anyone but my hellfire club because they all spilled their crushes. Xavier even said he now likes y/n and I have a hatred growing for him.

I would protect, kill, die for y/n and she would do the same. As well as Steve. He was my buddy and we had a strong relation. We all did; except for the fact that we all split off into our own groups.

I was with my hell fire club while Steve was with his two other friends which I was quite jealous of. And y/n hung out with Lilly, Nancy and Barbra.

I looked over to see y/n's group walking over to Steve's. Nancy looked as though she was embarrassed.

But I only looked for a second before admiring y/n. You know what I'm going to make a move on y/n this year.

"You know what boys? This year is my year. I can feel it."

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