Birthday dinner | ch 4

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|Y/n POV|

3 days until my birthday.

3 days until Eddie's birthday.

3 days until Steve's.

I was over the moon excited. Me and Nancy made up since then but don't talk like we used to. But was for the better.

What made our birthday better was that the dance was the night before. And I still don't have a date.

I was already asked by two guys I didn't know but I declined them obviously. I think I'm going with Eddie this year. I don't even know if he was going to the dance though.

"Hello, hello." Steve greeted me and Eddie as we were walking through the hall. "What's got you in a good mood?" I asked curiously.

"Uh hello. Our birthday?" Steve said in a duh tone. "Oh shit man I forgot for a second." Eddie added. They both cheered with each other while I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"You know what else it is? The danceee." I said it to annoy them and it worked. "Ughhh" they both groaned.

"You guys got dates yet?" Steve asked. "I still don't know who to go with." Steve shrugged.

"I'm not going." Eddie said. Gosh all that convincing for what?

"All good man." Steve yet again dabbed Eddie up. "Nothing is good." I laughed. "My hard work didn't pay off for once." I said as if I was offended when Really I wasn't.

"What about you? Who you going with?" Steve asked me. Both the boys eyed me. "Two guys already asked me but I declined both. I will probably just go with the next boy who asks me." I shrugged as well.

Steve looked like he was thinking and Eddie looked disappointed. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously but also breathed out a laugh.

"Wanna go to the dance with me?" Steve asked and got on one knee as if proposing to me. "Oh my gosh. My lover is asking me to the dance. What should I say?" I said sarcastically, mocking every girl in this school.

"Now get up before you get foot prints on you." I rolled my eyes smiling. "I take that as a yes." He smiled, finally getting up. Eddie was quiet. Too quiet.

|eddie POV|

I know I shouldn't get jealous but I was.

I wasn't even going to this stupid dance anyways but something in me wanted to go with y/n. But now Steve was. But just as friends right? Right?

|steve PoV|

I was ecstatic to go to the dance with y/n. I always wanted to and I finally had gotten the courage to do so. The problem is she sees it as two friends going but I see the opposite.


School had ended and we all were going to a dinner. It was always a tradition to go to dinners the week of our birthday since me and Steve's parents we loaded.

Eddie's uncle was my favourite though and I hope I am his too. We just read each other and our jokes so well. So I was excited seeing him there. Usually Steve's parents never come because they're always working and I felt bad for Steve. Hopefully they come to this one.

We were now seated at the dinner table waiting for Eddie and Steve's guardians. My mum and dad were complimenting my black dress when Steve's parents walked through the door as well as Eddies uncle.

"Mr Munson ! Mrs and Mr Harrington! It's so nice to see you again." I said sweetly and we all hugged.

Once all seated after the parents all hugged one another until we finally started to eat. Eddie started to whisper in my ear. "You look really hot in that dress." He left me goosebumps and then turned back to his food acting as if he didn't say anything.

God am I blushing? I was.

"Uh I have to go to the bathroom." I excused myself. Once making it to the mirrors I saw Eddie leaning up on the wall behind me. "Ahh! Eddie you gave me a fright." I said clutching my heart.

"Did I really make you blush so hard you had to run to the bathrooms?" His eyebrow was raised and he smiled. I didn't know how to respond. "Maybe." I smiled back.

Eddie got closer to me. "Maybe?" He asked in a seductive tone. Fuck.

"Maybe." I said confidently when really my knees were weak. He stared at my lips and I felt small.

"Eddie- we shouldn't- we shouldn't not in a public place." I reminded him. He raised his brows and stepped back and I just wanted to pull him back in with his tie.

I bit my lip and walked off, back to our table.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows as if asking where I was and I mouthed bathroom. I sat back in my spot in the middle of the two boys and continued to eat.

Eddie came back a few seconds after so it didn't seem suspicious.

"So y/n was telling me. Tomorrow is a dance I believe?" My mum spoke.

"Ah yes Steve here was also telling me." Steve's dad perked up and slapped Steve across the back. "Yes I love dances." Steve's mum squealed and my mum did the same. Both the dads rolled their eyes while Mr Munson chuckled.

"Who are you going with my dearest y/n?" Mrs. Harrington asked me. All eyes were on me. I couldn't say Steve because the parents would actually rip into our skins if they ever saw or knew about us dating. But yet I was just going with Steve as just a...friend, I guess.

"Uh um. I'm actually going with-" I stared at Steve and he edged me to say his name. "I'm going with Steve." I said much confident knowing Steve approved.

"Of course hunny. As friends right?" She asked again. Mr Harrington pipped from beside her. "Hunny even if it wasn't why should you care so much?"

"No, no. It's just as friends." Steve confirmed, finding my hand under the table. My face felt warm as we interlocked hands. "Oh sorry you guys know we hate friends dating right?" My mum spoke.

They were like this because Eddie's mum once dated Steve's dad when they just had Steve and Eddie. It was an affair but that's all over now because ....because you know.

"But why?" Eddie asked from beside me. Oh damn. This is about to get heated.

"We all know why on this table and you should have some respect." My mum snapped to Eddie with anger. I know she was defending her friend but so not cool.

"Hey! Don't talk to Eddie like that." I said sternly to my mum. She looked at me with rage. She stood up and I did too. "What did you just say to me?" She asked slowly and intimidatingly.

I grew a little scared but I held my ground. "Don't. Talk. To. Eddie. Like. That." I gritted my teeth after every word.

"Hunny-" my dad pulled at my mum's dress. She turned to him then back at me and slapped me across the face. I stumble back to the seat and whimpered. Both boys came over to me in an instant and the parents were all shocked except Steve's mum and my own.

I went passed Steve's knees and ran out of the restaurant.

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