The Dance | ch 6

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The music was up beat.

Everyone was having a laugh. Some even having such a great time they got heated in the corners. Me and Steve danced with each other and some friends.

I was surprised to see Barbra there but just with Nancy so I didn't approach. Instead I made friends in the bathroom as one does. Their names were Cara and Sarah.

Me and Steve ruled the punch table because we spiked it with alcohol to everyone's delight.

My favourite songs were the ones blasting and me and Steve ended up making a dance routine. We all did the conga around the large room and even compared shoes.

Making it to the dance floor after punch, a slow song came on. It was awkward to me because I thought Steve would run away with an excuse but instead he pulled me closer to him. So close I could hear his heart beat.

I looked up at him and he smiled. I smiled too while he changed his view to my lips. I parted them and looked at his. The world stopped for me. The music, the dancing, the chatter. And I was drawn to him in the moment.

I went in for it.

I kissed the Steve Harrington.

|Steve's POV|

It felt as though the world stopped. Her lips were my only thoughts, everything else blank. Everything else but her.

She was the first to make the move and went towards me. I did the same and we crashed lips.

It was as if they fit like a jigsaw puzzle. Like she was my missing piece. 

She pulled my hair and I wrapped my hands on her waist.

I didn't want it to end but sadly it did. She smiled at me and I returned it.

I was happier than ever.


I was more bored than ever.

I should have listened to y/n and gone to that stupid dance . And not only that but I really regretted not kissing her. I really wanted to and something in me knew she did too. But I guess it takes time.

And I hate time. Especially since the dance still has an hour to go.

——————————————- <3


I kicked off my heels and tip toed to my room. I assumed my parents were sleeping so I plopped myself on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought for long.

A loud bang coming from my window nearly gave me a proper heart attack and I looked outside to see Eddie waving at me. I was still in my dress but so happy to see him.

He climbed into my room through my window. "How was the dance?" He asked. I signalled him to be quiet and he did the cutest smile I've seen.

"It was good." I whispered back. I was about to walk to my bathroom before Eddie pulled me in by the waist. "Good huh?" He asked. He was making me red all over and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I bit my lip but knew it was wrong to kiss two boys in the same day and especially my two best friends. But that thought passed when we both leaned in for a kiss.

The kiss felt magical. Butterflies were flapping and he held me in the right spots. I held the back of his neck and we pulled apart. He smiled then lept out the window. Just as he did, my dad came in.

"How was it?" He sat on my bed and I sat next to him. "Actually pretty fun. But why do you care all of a sudden?" I was genuinely curious and actually happy to talk to him.

"Just wanted to see how my beauty is doing. Is that a crime?" He asked and we shared a laugh. "Look about your mother..she is deeply sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I know I was stubborn but it wasn't fun getting slapped in the face for not even a good reason. "I understand." He got up and held my door.

"Goodnight y/n. Love you." He shut the door behind him and I whispered back. "I love you too."

A/n: sorry for the short chapter but I still have not decided. Steve or Eddie?

My troublesome boys | An Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington FanficWhere stories live. Discover now