Chapter 1

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Operation Ten-Go

Hundreds of aircraft, are trying to destroy a battleship. This battleship, however, can't destroy any aircraft that attack her. Obsolete AA guns and sanshikidan are the reason. Meanwhile, the aircraft keep firing their guns, throwing bombs, and dropping torpedoes at her.

"That damn Akagi, manage to make Nagato declare war and saying we will win in less of a year, just to sink in the Midway, and took Kaga, Soryuu, and Hiryuu with her. And this is almost 3 years, our Empire keeps failing to defend itself from American attack. Musashi sinks into the middle of the Philippines and Shinano, she disappears into nowhere. And the last of Yamato-class is only me huh... and the Americans are trying to sink me no matter what."


A torpedo struck her hull, and now the battleship began to tilt towards the sea.

"This is the end?"

Yamato stays in her admiral room, looking at the sky, which was filled with American aircraft.

The largest of Imperial Japan's battleships, sank in the ocean, with a mushroom cloud from a detonated ammunition room.

"So this is your past? I have a debt on future you, so I will pay my debt into your past."

An angel, from an alternate universe, resurrect Yamato from her supposed eternal sleep and give her some ability.

Unknown day

A battleship rising from the sea, with a woman on the ship's bow.

"So I am here, woke up from my sleep, with my ship, in the middle of nowhere."

This woman, or the kansen of this ship began to inspect the boiler room.

"Pretty good, but my boilers are replaced by this unknown thing? Nuclear reactor? Maybe in my personal room I can find anything about this."

Yamato climbed up the stair to her personal room, or the admiral room. Her room now is an observation room, with an empty bookcase, and a very thick wall.

Yamato went down to inspect the entire ship.

The place that previously is a crew room, was changed into a factory room, filled with many machineries that were only supposed in a land factory. The fire control system also changed into a better one, this one can make a 46cm shell destroy an enemy from 40 km. But the AA guns are still the same, which is suck by Yamato's review.

"Better FCS and Radar, but still if I can't replace my AA guns I am gonna die again."

She looked at her compass

"Set sail to the north, let's find any civilization I can contact with."

She goes to a room, in the ship's library.

"Oh, the nuclear thingy is here too? And what are these box things?"

She looked at a computer, and find a guidebook which is filled with guides to operating the computer. She turns on the CPU and the monitor. Using the computer to find any information.

"If this map is correct, I must in the near Okinawa, just sail to the north and I can find my comrades there."

2 hours later

What she finds there is just ruins, ruins everywhere.

No human, no kansen, just ruins.

"Who did this?"

Yamato knows if she finds the very same enemy which destroyed this city, she is will experience death for the second time.

Yamato finds a newspaper and reads the newspaper

26 December 1991

We are fucked, the sirens are destroying us, we can't do anything to stop them, not even kansen.

"Siren? Are they who destroying this city, no... the entire humanity?"

She looks at the picture

"Tentacles? Are they aliens? Maybe I can find more about them on my computer."

Yamato gets onto her ship and goes to the library room. Using the search engine to find everything about the new enemy.

"So they have sci-fi weaponry, must be a hard time for my fellow kansen to deal with them."

Yamato remembered her comrades and began crying.

"I hope you are all fine there, Nagato, my friends, and my sisters."

"I will alive no matter what!"

A battleship, depart from the port, going to the east, the US mainland to find more data and get good AA guns.

[To be continued]

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