Chapter 18

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A Port in Ironblood

"Are we in Kiel?"

"Yep, we will dock there," Bismarck pointed at the vast, unoccupied docks.

"No no, I not asking about the dock, this city is occupied with many skyscrapers, are we in Tokyo? Where are the good old industrial age buildings?"

"Welp, they are destroyed by the siren's first invasion, but don't worry, we can guarantee this place is safe."

"But... I don't think you can get this much development in wartime economy..." Plymouth asks that the economy be allocated for war in a world where the siren existed.

"Deutch Quality!"

"Here comes the German memes, last time I checked some police got stuck by a mud wizard."

Before docking her ship, Yamato prepares some canned food and stuff in her bag, along with Plymouth. Meanwhile, Shinano tries to 'smuggle' her plushie into her purse which she get from Vestal last time.

After docking their ships

"Welcome back, Bismarck, are they our guests?"

"Yes, please serve them, Mainz."

While Mainz served them coffee (Yamato trying to add some milk, which almost created chaos), Bismark went to the R&D lab to check some... upgrades. 

"Gneisenau, how is the corroted cube?"

"Well, we successfully, no, maybe the correct word is 'accidentally' purifies the cube. This purified cube is pretty unique, as this cube will purify corrosion with a maximum range of approximately 20 meters."

"A fine feature addition for Geryon. Talking about him, where is he right now?"

"Doing things with Regensburg I assume, nothing to worry."

"Well, maybe a good thing to leave a dragon with another dragon. As long it's not a drunken one."

The Guest Dorm

"And here the guest dorm, here Frau will live."

"Thank you, Z23."

"If there is something in your mind, please call me."


And they start unpacking stuff just like a family moved to another house. While they unpack stuff, a bird kansen comes to them.

"Hello there!"

"Ah Zuikaku, may I can assist you?"

"Eh, you know my name?!"

Forgotten that she is in a new universe, Yamato made her first blunder here. Now she is desperately trying to get an excuse to cover up the blunder... luckily she has a smart yet sleepy sister.

"We are... from the reinforcement..."

"Are you ok? I guess you can get some sleep now. Sorry for disturbing you."

"No... I'm just like this... Don't worry about it..."

"Welp, sorry about that. We just get tasked to stay in Ironblood," Yamato lied naturally as she breathed.

"Eh?! Musashi-san send help for me?! Thank god she gives some help for me here!"

'Wait... Musashi is here...'

Zuikaku praises because she gets some help in the mission, Yamato gets her siscon instinct awoken, Shinano sleeps on the sofa, and Plymouth vibing in a room. 

A typical day in the AL world.

An office - Ironblood's Navy Command Center

A goth tomboy girl sitting here, checking so much data she gets from a certain motherly battleship.

"The progress of the tower... repair ongoing... the list of materials needed... the allocated funds..."

Kiel in this universe is a gigantic war factory city, only competed by the Low Lands. This is due to the centralization of Ironblood industries in the western area when everyone is united in Azur Lane.

And the untasked kansen have to work in bureaucracy in Kiel, to maximize the efficiency of Ironblood kansen, they said.

"Too exhausted... can't focus..."

Almost finishing all her papers, she began to sleep...

########## - Unknown Dimension

In this world, where everything is burned down, the sky is red, the sea is soiled by oils, blood, and the remnant of ships, and a nun is praying.

"May the Shroud bless you all... No matter if you are human, kansen, or siren, in the end, you will die."

"BUT WHY?!!" A girl screams behind the nun. Judging from her uniform, rigging, and appearance, it's easily told if she comes from Sakura Empire. Unfortunately, both of them can't see and hear each other.


"As a wise person said,"


"Either you will die a hero"


"Or long live enough... to become the..."



As the nun continues to pray, the unknown girl starts to rampage everything near her. For her commander whom she loved, for her sisters that went unknown, for her allies that killed in front of her eyes, and...

"I... sorry..."

After feeling so much breakdown, she has nothing left, nothing in mind, and nothing for the future. No goal and no money. No enemy and no ally.

"For all souls that left here, heaven's gate always welcomes everyone... For those left behind, the Shroud has given a special chance..."


After finishing the prayer, the sky suddenly turned blue for the unknown girl, as she will have to live in a new world. Her name is Shikishima, the fourth Yamato class that previously lived in such a destructive world, and given her mental situation, very likely that she will become a META just by touching a META cube.

Will she be against her oldest sister? Only time will tell.


Alright, that's a short chapter after a pretty long not updating the story, but it's honest work. Maybe because I play too many Stellaris? Anyway, I gotta fill my shipyards with torp cruisers and carriers because a fallen empire decided to wake after two centuries pissed by a fed that colonized a holy world.

See you next time!

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