Chapter 6

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Individual Name : Yamato

Full length : 263m

Beam : 39.8m

Draught : 10.4m

Maximum speed : 35 knot

Weaponry :

Main gun - Triple 46cm/45 Type 95 Naval Gun (Better Autoloader & Faster Turning speed)

Secondary gun - Triple 155mm Autocannon Mount

Anti Aircraft Gun  - Enlarged Phalanx CIWS 25mm

Missile :

SAM - 

Type 91 surface-to-air missile

Type 93 surface-to-air missile

SSM - 

BGM-109 Tomahawk

Torpedo - 

Type-89 Torpedo

Additional Gear :

Electromagnetic Catapult

Shield Magic Defense System

Laser Guide System

ECM Jammer

Aviation -

F-X Stealth Fighter Catapult-based Aircraft

MH-60R Seahawk ASW Helicopter

Class - Advanced Armament Battleship (AABB) Yamato-class

Status - Alive - Commander of Azur Lane

Pearl Harbour - Post-Attack

Except for San Diego, everyone just suffer light damage. Currently, there is 5 tug boat to tow her ship to the repair dock.

"My ship!!!"

"Sorry about it, San Diego" Enterprise (CV) apologize to her.

"It's not your fault, Enterprise, but if you still feel guilty you can help the Manjuus to tow her ship."

Timeskip by Javelin and Laffey play using tug boats

"It's turn out all our AA guns are effective against Sakura's Zero" Prince of Wales reports about the base.

"Good, anyway how about Howe?"

"She didn't get major damage, but Unicorn wants to stay with her after the attack."

"Good, you can dismiss if you don't have more things to talk about." And Wales still stays there.

"Sorry about asking this, but do Commander know about this attack? I mean Belfast telling me about Commander became panic this morning before the attack."

"No, but I have a feeling that morning if an attack will come at this base."

"Okay then, I will dismiss" with a military salute, Wales excuse herself from Yumi's office.

Enterprise (CL) and Illustrious ask Wales about the meeting with Yumi before.

"So what's about it?"

"As expected, she said no, but I am still suspicious about it."

"Should we observe her a little longer?"

"Well, I want to do that, as Her Majesty wants to visit this base after she got the news about the attack."

"Well then, I will do it" Enterprise (CL) volunteered herself.

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