Chapter 1

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---Respublic of Buria, Ulae, Airport---

The yellow car abruptly stopped near an airport. A cheerful young woman's voice sounded muffled: "Thank you, keep the change." The taxi's door opened and a woman's leg in red high block heel stepped on the ground.

The heavy rain poured as if cleansing the figure in the darkness. *TSOK*, *TSOK*, the sharp sound of heels stepping on asphalt can be heard with the soothing sound of rain hitting an umbrella. The light of the airport lightened the 1.70 m tall figure from bottom to top. A dark-haired young woman in a beige cashmere coat went to the airport. Shaking off water from the umbrella, she looked around with a soft smile. Not far from here stood a young pair with a child. They didn't have an umbrella. "Pardon me, I saw that you do not have an umbrella. Here." The young pair was taken aback, but they gave her their gratitude. Then, she found a number of her check in from the electronic scoreboard "Departures" and went there.

Service agent: "Hello. Do you have a bagage? "

-: " Only this handbag."

The agent, after checking the documents, gave her boarding pass and said: " 11-A. You can wait there. The plane will depart within 30 minutes."

-: "Thanks."

After going through the security checkpoint, she boarded the plane.

The airport and Ulae quickly turned into a small dot of light as the plane took off. Her face slowly become expressionless. She decided to get a good rest on her flight. Taking off her high heels she wore soft slippers that the flight attendant brought her. " Just water. Thanks dear." Using her coat as a blanket, she went to sleep.

---Several hours ago, in one of Mosco's underground clubs---

Blasting music, smoke, dim light and the special atmosphere in the club made young adults' blood rush with excitement.

A bit far from the mass, in the inconspicuous corner, was a group of people, who looked in their late 20s and early 30s. The one, who was sitting in the middle of the sofa, obviously was the leader of this group. He pointed his finger to the nearest stage and said: "I will take her." He gulped the wine from the bottle and went to his hotel room, which was placed right above the club.

On the small neon pole stage, a beauty with full forms and long legs was dancing in a tight revealing bunny girl outfit. She danced skillfully like a snake, riding each beat of the music, and her flexible body pulled a lot of attention from nearby people.

Seeing her target pointing at her, and then leaving, she smiled inside. Half of the mission was complete. Her 1st shift ended, and it was time for the next dancer to shine. As she went backstage to rest, the manager, Nadia, anxiously called her. Several men were there too.

Nadia: "Girl, you got lucky. Nikolai is waiting." Nadia grabbed her hands and she felt the small knife.

Even though the manager worked here for a long time, she held onto her humanity. She knew that every single girl here was from dirt poor family or had their problems and didn't have any other choice. Nadia hugged her and said in a small voice: " If there is going to be murder, do it when he is sleeping, then run. I know that your documents are not real." It was the first time she was this easily found out by a civilian, but appreciating her effort, she reassuringly squeezed Nadia's hands.

Suddenly, one of those man shouted: "Bitch, how long are you going to say goodbyes. We do not have that much time!"

-: " Why the fuck you are shouting at me? What will you do if I become her next favorite, huh?" As if cold water was poured on him, the man's expression changed drastically. The conflict was put out.

*Ding*. They exited from the lift and she saw a door surrounded by bodyguards. He is surprisingly well protected...The entire floor was for his use. It's convenient since the building has balconies and a hidden lift for VIPs. One man in black stepped towards her and searched her body for weapons, purposefully dragging his hand on her curves: "Clear." He nodded, and others made a way for her.

She entered the room in her costume and high heels. The door closed. Alluringly shaking her hips from right to left, she went to Uri, who was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a white bath towel. He stood up and put music on the gramophone.

The thick smoke of tobacco swirled away from her as she went to him. The victim didn't know that he was prey in the eyes of this hot girl. He inhaled the tobacco and raised his head a little to exhale. Suddenly, she did a side whip kick and a sharp hawkbill blade from her heel smoothly sliced through his throat. Choking on his blood he wasn't able to make a sound. His hands clutched his throat, and one can see a glimpse of white in his bloody mess. The knife went right through his trachea. His eyes showed utter regret and unbelief. Indulged in lust, he forgot his safety. As his body was falling, she supported it and they fell on the bed. Shit, my gloves are soaked in blood. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands. She put on a fire in the trash bin and threw in thin silk gloves. I have less than a 10s to escape. Drying her hands on her dress, she soundlessly run to the balcony. Since it was the middle of the night and the special "service" time for rich people, the hotel was closed in the name. She jumped to the balcony of the lower floor and opened the door with her hairpin. The room was completely dark, and under the sound of fire alarm and panicking footsteps, she quickly changed her outfit to one of the hotel staff. Exiting the room, she closed it using the hotel's keycard. Amid the chaos, she went to the VIP lift and descended to the first floor. Since there was no CCTV in it, she took off her red jacket, and holding it inside out in one hand, she walked quickly to the hotel's lobby. Since there was foreign guest mixed with regulars, they stood out from the mass with their worried looks. On the other hand, natives weren't that much impressed with the situation. "What happened? Which idiot smoked directly under the smoke detector?" As no one was looking at her, she went out of the hotel. Taking out her phone she sent the message: Done. And the phone was thrown into the street trash bin.

Covering her track, she went to the suburbs, where the cameras weren't yet installed. Going into the small rented apartment, she burned her clothes, except the heels of that shoe and Nadia's knife...they were useful. No one will ever ask why the thick smoke was going out from the balcony, because the fire was burning in the iron vat, and since there was no real fire breakage, people didn't care. Her week's stay in Lussia was coming to the end. Looking at the fire she thought: I want to go home...And my situation doesn't look good. The organization is behaving suspicious, as Kierra told me, before dying on a mission.

---Present time, Moly, Airport, early morning, 07:10---

A naive looking girl stood at the entrance of the airport. She went to the nearest cab and said: "Are you going to the city?". The driver nodded. "How much?"

Driver: "90 000 MT."

-: "That's too expensive, no thanks." He is ripping me off! Shit, should have dressed more mature and choose more cold expression...tsk...Well, bus it is.

She went to the bus station and after 15 minutes came the right bus. She went there and a payment machine did the *child's card* sound, which indicated that the ticket, that she was using, was for children. The driver didn't give a shit about this. She sat on the rear seat since no one will make her give up the seat there. Because of the culture of respecting elderly people, some of them were very rude and made youngsters gave up their seats. 

-: I know a lot of it's reasonable that they are getting nervous. The job is not hard, and they give a lot of money for one mission. I was smart not to give them my real documents. And now they do not know the real me. The girl who traded her info with me (surprisingly we have 60% similar faces) is gonna have a hard time, but I compensated her handsomely, plus, she knew what she was doing. So, no regrets.)

She tiredly closed her eyes. Well, it's gonna be interesting from this moment, I have a lot of money to spend. Delighted smile formed on her lips. 

Note: The underlined sentences were said in different language. 

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